Friday, July 31, 2009

Judge Clark Munger

Death Served the Purpose

Youth Inspires Others

Attorney Bernardini and Judge Munger

Bernardini & Munger

A Grandchild's Fight


  1. Vote NO Judge Munger!

  2. Abuse and misuse of judicial powers. Judge Munger should be stripped of all of his rights including his robe, bench, gavel and courtroom audience.

  3. Clark Munger and Don Windle are judges cut from the same cloth.

    The judiciary should rise up, band together, and get the deadwood off the bench.

  4. Don't forget to watch the Puppet video staring Judge Clark Munger.

    You're recognize him right off by his devil outfit.

  5. Judge Clark Munger is such a disgrace that a website was named in his dishonor - with the single purpose of defeating him in re-relection.

    Pima County Arizona residents, do your part. Vote NO Judge Munger!

    Protect yourself now while you're not vulnerable.

  6. He's a disgrace to the bench and a joke.

    And who's to blame?

    1. The citizens who elected him (although most people don't know who judge candidates are or even care).

    2. The discipline committee which ignores complaints against Munger.

    And who suffers?

    The elderly and disabled citizens of Pima County.

  7. Clark Munger and Jan Bernardini...two rotten peas in a pod!

  8. All the corrupt judhges need to go. I would like to see him be a ward of the state. eye for an eye is what the good book says. He needs to GO! OUT! and thrown in a nursing home where he will see what our loved ones go through. Not Jail where they have more rights. but a nursing home where the treatemnt is more cruel.

  9. Where is the Arizona Judicial Conduct Board?
