Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mother Fled With Children

The Sun Valley mother of six who was the focus of an Amber Alert has been involved with child welfare workers since at least 2001, court records show.

Claire Camille Tourand may be on her way to Mexico with four of her six children, authorities said. An arrest warrant has been issued, charging her with unlawful detention, concealment or removal of a child from its lawful custodian.

Social workers declared Tourand a danger to her children, and that they were in an “immediate risk” in her care.

Records show Tourand recently finished a term in the Washoe County Jail related to her 2008 guilty plea to child neglect related to squalid conditions of her home. She pleaded guilty to allowing her children to live in a home where the feces and urine of nine cats and eight dogs saturated her children’s bed and clothing, and where rotted food was scattered around the home. Two rabbits were also in the home.

When she fled the area, her children had been in foster care and social workers were trying to reunite the family, authorities said.

Full Article and Source:
Amber Alert subject investigated for years


  1. I am sorry for these children. The story paints their mother in a very bad light and we don't know if it's true or not.

    Guardianship victims know too well that innocent people are often maligned by lawyers, APS, and the court itself. And, media picks up the innuendo and reports it as fact.

    So we don't actually know what went on here.

    But, we do know the children are in the middle and they suffer for it.

    1. My children are the ones who wanted to get away from the hell cps brung them and they were safe with me

  2. I am confused with the last line --- when she fled with the children, the children had been in foster care and social workers had been trying to reunite the family.

    That doesn't add up, does it?

  3. I wonder why she left with just the four and not all of her kids?

  4. Does this woman have a mental problem? Normal people don't live in filth. Anything being done to help her, or is it just easier and more profitable to keep the kids in foster care?

    1. I sure do miss judgemental people who have no clue what the truth is

  5. Well as you would know my children are well and alive and I will say this I have had enough of false accusations by cps you ask them for help and they say you are mentally unstable so we can not help you get on your feet unless you do as we say the system here is extremely corrupted and I am still fighting cps

  6. I left because I was going to loose my children because I couldn't do anything right according to Megan Posner my 23 year old cps worker alltough I had 3 psychiatrist family councilor Money management councilor physiologist for each of my kids IEP meetings group counseling psychologist job hunting house arrest and drug testing although I was a dry sober for 15 years it doesn't matter if you're sober or not they judge you because of your past and when they love making you look bad and belittle you to the point of wanting to disappear from this world they are the Antichrist disguised as heroes I hope this never happens to anyone not even my worst enemy deserves this torture
