Sunday, July 12, 2009

Trust Fund For Pets

Governor M. Jodi Rell signed a bill that allows pet owners to set up enforceable trusts to care for their animals, ensuring that the animals are not neglected or euthanized if they die before their pets.

Governor Rell: "Those who derive joy from the companionship of their devoted pets can now have peace of mind knowing their pets will be properly cared for when they are no longer around. Pets ask nothing of us but kindness and, in turn, reward us with unconditional love."

Senate Bill 650, An Act Concerning the Creation of a Trust for the Care of An Animal, requires that the pet owner designate a “trust protector,” someone whose sole duty is to act on behalf of the animal, ensuring the pet receives the proper care.

A Superior Court or probate court would have jurisdiction over the trust, which terminates when the last surviving animal dies. The trust protector can seek legal action in either court to remove or replace a trustee, the individual overseeing the fund, if the money was spent on anything other than its intended use.

Full Article and Source:
Bill to allow pet owners to set up trusts for animals


  1. I think this is great!

  2. This is a great idea. Some might wonder why all this for a critter? I say, why not?

    I hope other states realize the need for such legislation and take action to get this going.

  3. If only there was so much concern for people.

  4. Dont be fooled... this is just another way for the courts to get their hands on funds.. notice it does not talk about what happens to the money after the animal passes...

  5. I agree, Sue. Why not?

    And I also agree, Anonymous 2, people deserve as much.

  6. Yes, this is a good idea. People need peace of mind that their pets will be taken care of.

  7. The only bad thing is the court's involvement. Whenever the court is involved, you can bet there will be attorneys churning fees.

  8. Very good reminder, Anonymous 3. Thanks for saying it.
