Sunday, August 30, 2009

Father of Terri Schiavo Dead at 71

Robert Schindler Sr., whose years-long fight to keep his daughter Terri Schiavo alive made worldwide headlines, died today.

He was 71.

In a statement, Schindler's family said the Philadelphia native died of heart failure at Northside Hospital in St. Petersburg.

"He'd been dealing with health problems since Terri's death," said Schindler's son, Bobby.

Terri Schiavo, then 26, suffered heart failure in 1990, causing the brain damage that left her in what doctors described as a persistent vegetative state.

Her husband, Michael, sought court permission to have her feeding tube removed. But the Schindlers fought to gain custody of their daughter.

In 2005, the fight reached the U.S. Congress and then-President George W. Bush, who signed a law aimed at keeping Schiavo alive.

Schiavo died March 31, 2005, two weeks after her feeding tube was removed. She was cremated and buried in Pennsylvania in accordance with her husband's wishes.

Her parents and their two surviving children founded the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation to support families facing similar fights regarding the rights of disabled people.

Funeral services will be held in Philadelphia, although details have not been announced.

Memorial donations may be made to the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation, 5562 Central Ave., Suite 2, St. Petersburg FL 33707.

Full Article and Source:
Father of Terri Schiavo Dead at 71

See also:
Family’s Statement on Passing of Father of Terri Schiavo, Robert Schindler Sr.


  1. We are very sad and shocked for your loss.

    He is a man who fought hard, very very hard for something he believed in. He had a cause and a mission and that mission still lives. He left that legacy to his son Bobby in honor of his daughter.

    He has helped so many people. Many Many blessings and angels sent to the Schindler Family.

  2. This man was a true champion and I hope he is now in the company of his beloved daughter.

  3. He accomplished more in his 71 years than most people.

    I am so sorry for your loss, Schindler family.

  4. I believe Robert Schindler Sr's broken heart over his daughter's end of life sad situation contributed to his failing heart condition and ultimately his passing.

    I hope father and daughter are together again in a place that is peaceful, free of evil, suferring and pain.

    Deepest sympathies to the Schindler family.

  5. Yes, I agree, Sue, Terri Schiavo's execution had to have taken a terrible toll on Robert Schindler's health.

    How could one ever get over that? He fought like a lion for her. And I am sure she felt his love and protection no matter what.

    My thought are with this family today.

  6. I feel Mr. Schindler is safe and comforted in the arms of his daughter now.

  7. I am saddened by this news.

    Robert Schindler set an example for all to follow. He did his best to save his daughter - against all odds and an evil adversary.

    His life is a testiment to fathers everywhere.

  8. I hope there are overwhelming donations to the Schiavo Foundation in Robert Shindler's honor.

  9. The Terri Schiavo Foundation is something very positive that came out of a horrible, horrible tragedy.

    Robert Schindler earned his wings by doing this wonderful work
