Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Governor Celebrates Reform

Governor M. Jodi Rell today celebrated legislation she spearheaded that makes historic and necessary reforms and modernizations to Connecticut’s 300-year-old probate court system, making the courts self-sustaining and more efficient through consolidation and centralized accounting while introducing new professional standards.

Effective January 5, 2011, the old revenue system – largely funded by fees and approximately $2.5 million in state aid each year – will be replaced with one based on population and workload in which a judge’s compensation will be paid directly from a Probation Court Administration Fund overseen by the state Treasurer.

The new law requires the Treasurer to give the Governor and the Legislature a financial accounting of the Probate Court Administration Fund by October 1 of each year.

Other provisions of the bill include:

* Consolidating courts from 117 to between 44 and 50 courts – Redistricting will be recommended by a bi-partisan commission if the current probate judges cannot agree on the final number of courts
* Centralizing accounting and payroll functions in the Office of the Probate Court Administrator
* Requiring courts to operate 40 hours a week
* All new judges will be attorneys, members in good standing with the Connecticut Bar for not less than 10 years and residents of their districts
* Judges would continue to be elected

Full Article and Source:
Governor Rell celebrates legislation reforming state’s 300-year-old probate court system

See also:
117 Probate Courts Reduced


  1. Best news I've heard about CT in years!

  2. Good going, Gov. Rell. You're paving the way for other states to follow!

  3. 300 year old probate court system????

    No wonder the system wasn't working, nothing, except dirt, is as it was 300 years ago, or for that matter 50 years ago.

    There has to be a better way to get our leaders attention to address these serious issues in a timely manner.

    Cheers! to Gov Rell for stepping up and doing the right thing, now is better than the next 100 years or never.

  4. Yes, it's celebration time!

  5. CT is emerging from the dark ages!
