Sunday, August 16, 2009

Judge Anthony Cutrona

In the Matter of Murray Feingold

Elder Abuse or Slavery

No Help For Postal Worker

With Kendra’s Law, mental hygiene courts now have unprecedented powers over the lives of the mentally ill--and a long track record of shutting them out


  1. Judge Cutrona presided over the Murray Feingold case. According to Mr. Feingold, his court-forced guardian did nothing for him except bill, bill, bill.

  2. Judge Cutrona should be investigated for allowing a postal worker (of over 40 years) to be enslaved by his guardian.

  3. Murray Feingold's guardianship case is an example of guardianship racket for the benefit of the guardian. Free the Feingold's!

  4. Good ole Judge Cutrona -- almost looks like a good guy, until one views the YouTube video of Murray Feingold.

    How many other Murray Feingolds did Judge Cutrona guardianize?

  5. Under Cutrona's watch, I believe Murray Feingold was exploited by his court-appointed guardian.

    I hear he is retiring or has retired. Good.
