Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dutch Court Puts 13-Year-Old Girl Under Guardianship to Delay Her Solo World Sailing Trip

UTRECHT, NETHERLANDS — A 13-year-old girl's plan to sail solo around the world was called "undeniably daring and risky" by Dutch judges Friday. They refused, however, to scrap the venture in a high-profile clash between child care authorities and liberal Dutch parenting.

The three judges at Utrecht District court ordered authorities to take temporary guardianship of Laura Dekker, delaying her plan to set sail next week on her 26-foot yacht Guppy in her bid to become the youngest person to sail solo around the globe.

Full Article and Source:
Dutch Court Puts 13-Year Old Girl Under Guardianship to Delay Her Solo World Sailing Trip


  1. hmmmm interesting way to use guardianship ie ball and chains

  2. It's happening all over the world.

  3. this is an interesting case - i do think the guardenship angle is unique - but I do question who would be responsible if something happened to Dekker out at sea.
