Thursday, September 24, 2009

Editorial: Stanford Fraud and the Florida Bar

One thing has become increasingly clear as a result of the Miami Herald’s ongoing investigation into the Stanford Fraud: Allen Stanford would not have succeeded in bilking investors out of billions of dollars without the collaboration of certain members of the Florida bar working under the auspices of the State of Florida and Florida’s “powerful” “politically connected” law firms. What the Texans could not be done in Texas was more than gladly performed in Florida.

The agreement between Mr. Stanford and the State of Florida that established a unique, heretofore unheard of foreign trust to launder money in Miami was so outrageous from the legal standpoint that several knowledgeable attorneys were left aghast by the alleged brazen evasion of the law and breach of ethics by their colleagues. The trust was called a Miami “bank” in order to obtain deposits from trusting Latin American investors. Bags of funds were shipped from Miami to Antigua as related documents were shredded. Regulators stood by, not noticing any “red flags” because they had been hogtied.

Full Article and Source:
Stanford Fraud and the Florida Bar


  1. The Organized Bar discipline system is a crock! They protect the bad guys and dump on the good ones!

    They should be licensed by the states and disciplined by the people!

  2. I do not know the specifics of the Stanford Fraud, but I do know the FL bar is useless to the public.

    File a complaint on a lawyer and you'll get the brush off.

    Wait, do lawyers pay dues to be a member of the Bar? If so, then that's the answer.

  3. What gets me is this corruption is well known and yet it continues - brazenly.

  4. No wonder complaints about bad lawyering in FL go nowhere!

  5. Florida's full of innocent and vulnerable old folks -- BEWARE.

  6. Don't come to Florida if you are elderly. The court, judges, attorneys and guardians are waiting with open arms to get all your assets. They do not answer to anyone but themselves. It is an evil system.
    . . . from Florida

  7. Lawyers are crooks?! There's a shocker.
