Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Not a Typical Day in Court

It was a day in court like any other day, or was it?

The Corning Leader’s John Zick and Star Gazette’s Ray Finger reported on the September 17, 2009 Gary Harvey hearing. A hearing that sees a county fighting desperately to hold onto Gary Harvey, though the reasons behind their desperation seems a bit unclear. This is a county, after all, that sought at one point to have Gary starved and dehydrated to death. Though the latter was eventually dismissed, a DNR was placed on him and so it remains.

Sara Harvey, Gary’s wife, has been likewise fighting desperately. She on the other hand has been fighting desperately to save Gary’s life and to get him released from the system prison and back home. Yet, the county attorney keeps trying to paint Sara as the threat and someone to protect Gary from. Interesting that the logic isn’t held up by the facts of the case.

John Zick (Print Edition of the Corning Leader – 9/18/09) reports:

“Shaw also accused the county, represented by Donald Thomson, of withholding documents, an allegation the county denies.

“Shaw is specifically seeking Gary Harvey’s medical records, but Thomson said under normal circumstances, a wife is not privileged to her husband’s records.

“‘Litigation changes everything.’ Shaw countered.”

Sara is trying to save her husband’s life. There is question about the care that Gary Harvey has been receiving. There are questions as to why a so-called ethics committee decided it was right and good to starve and dehydrate Gary to death. Thomson freely throws allegations out there claiming there is cause to protect Gary from Sara. And where is all the so-called proof that Thomson is relying upon? In the very records he refuses to share, conveniently under the HIPPA excuse.

HIPPA? The excuse of all excuses. And the biggest excuses are those who abuse the concept of HIPPA to promote their own agenda.

Sara Harvey is fighting desperately for her husband. Chemung County representatives are fighting desperately to keep Gary under their control for some reason. One sought to have Gary Harvey starved and dehydrated to death. The other fought to save his life.

Full Article and Source:
The Gary Harvey Case Where Obama's Non-Existent Death Panels Do Exist
See also:
Wife Seeks Rights to Comatose Husband

The Brainwashing of an Unsuspecting People: Continuing to Deny Death Panels

Behind Closed Doors: The Gary Harvey Story

Follow Up: The Gary Harvey Story


  1. Chemung County should be subected to a criminal investigation.

  2. This article tells it straight.

    Thank you, Dakota Voice.

  3. It's easy to make accusations and innuendos when all you have to do is make them and then say you can't comment further.

    Here's the fact: Chemung County has libeled Sara Harvey.

    A public apology is due.

  4. Why does Chemung County want to hold on to Gary Harvey?

    We need to follow the money here -- there's a financial benefit for them to hang on or they wouldn't do it.

  5. Chemung County surely doesn't worry about HIPAA when they're maligning Sara Harvey, do they?

  6. Those individuals in charge of the Gary Harvey case - the case manager, the attorneys -- the whole ball of wax of them -- they all need to be fired.

    The public should be protected from these people.

  7. addicted to power? time to save face and let Gary Harvey go home.

  8. The County would have buried Gary Harvey if it hadn't been for Sara.

    And nobody would have known what they did.

  9. Give it up, Chemung County.

    The more you hang on to Gary Harvey, the more transparent you become.

    Give him up. Let him go home with his wife.

  10. The county should be shot (not literally!) for not turning over the medical records to Gary Harvey's wife.

    Do these people not have any empathy? Are they just enjoying their power too much? Is it fun for them to torture Gary Harvey's wife? It sure seems so,

  11. Very well written article.

    Thank you for staying on this important case, Dakota Voice and NASGA!

  12. This is wrong, wrong, wrong and they know it.

  13. Norma - the public "should" be protected from these people?

    No. The public MUST be protected.
    these things cannot go unpunished.

  14. We are in America, right?
