Thursday, October 29, 2009

"It's Time to Let These People Be"

The parents of a southern Minnesota teenager who once fled the state to avoid chemotherapy went before a judge Monday and asked for the court's role in the case to end, saying they are following the advice of doctors and making sure their son gets the best medical care.

Daniel Hauser, 13, is undergoing radiation treatments for childhood Hodgkin's lymphoma. He finished chemotherapy in early September, and his father said there is no sign of cancer.

"In all reality, he's been in remission for quite some time already," Anthony Hauser said in a telephone interview Monday. "I hope he stays in remission — that's No. 1. And hopefully we can live our lives normally again."

During a hearing in Brown County District Court, Judge John Rodenberg said that as long as no new issues arise, he would close the case after Daniel completes his 12 recommended sessions of radiation — which are expected to end Nov. 6, according to Joseph Rymanowski, an attorney for the parents.

"It's time to let these people be. They've been through enough," said Rymanowski.

Full Article and Source:
Minnesota Family Wants Court Out of Son's Cancer Case

See Also:
Mom Flees With Son

Forced Chemo


  1. I agree 1000% - back off courts, and let this family alone.

  2. When this story was in the news, I felt so sorry for the family.

    Get out of their lives, court. Get out of their lives.

  3. It's past time, the courts had no business in their lives in the first place.

  4. No one should be forced to take chemo.

  5. I remember when this story was in the national news. The media villified this family.

    There are other treatments of cancer. It's not the court's place to have forced this young man to do anything.

    Interesting when you think of it, on one hand, they attempt to starve and dehydrate the elderly and disabled (i.e. Gary Harvey, Terri Schiavo), but if a child is involved, they climb up on their ivory towers and claim to be protecting.

    Why don't "they" protect everybody?
