Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sara Harvey Interviews on Family Life News

Sara Harvey's husband Gary had a heart attack and fell down the basement steps -- and became brain damaged. But she got into a tiff with the Chemung County home he was in over a fish line, and lost custody of her husband. But a small victory was recently won in court.

Listen to Sara's Interview with Sara Harnish of FLN

See Also:
Time for Gary Harvey to Go Home


  1. I agree with Carrie, Sara did a great job!

  2. How lucky is Gary to have such a great advocate?!

  3. Very professional and to the point. Good job, Mrs. Harvey.

  4. How Sara Harvey continues to have such strength is beyond me. No matter what they throw at her (and they throw as much dirt as they can), she rises above it and continues her fight.

  5. Sara Harvey will win her husband's freedom yet!

  6. Chemumg County has met its match. It's beyond time for them to give up and do the right thing - send Gary Harvey home!

  7. The holidays are coming. I bet Gary Harvey sure would love to be home with his wife in time for the holiday season.

  8. What Chemung County has tried to do to Gary Harvey is more than shameful. I believe it's attempted murder. The employees involved should all hang their collective heads in shame.

  9. When I hear of such cruelty as what Chemung Co. has done to Gary Harvey, I often wonder how the perps can sleep at night.

    Because I can't.

    And then I decided they either rationalize their behavior (so far removed from reality, that they believe they're doing the right thing) or they have no empathy or heart.

    And so they sleep soundly.
