Monday, December 21, 2009

AZ Woman Could Use A Lot Less Court "Protection"

Marie Long was officially declared indigent by Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Lindsay Ellis.

Ellis ought to know. She's been there the whole time, presiding over the case of this 88-year-old lady who just four years ago was worth $1.3 million.

Ellis is the probate judge who stood by and did nothing as hundreds of thousands of dollars of Marie's money was drained away, much of it spent on guardian fees and lawyers. Marie's court-appointed attorney Jon Kitchel warned Ellis a year ago what was happening and practically begged her to do something about it.

Unfortunately, it took Ellis a year to consider Kitchel's request. By last month, when she finally got around to holding a hearing, the money was gone and the trustee and guardian – along with their attorneys -- were heading for the exit.

On Thursday, Ellis appointed a new guardian to look after Marie but announced that if she tries to sue to get any of the old lady's money back, she'll be taken off the case.

If this is what we call court protection of the vulnerable, I'm pretty sure that Marie could use a lot less of it.

Full Aricle and Source:
Old Lady Could Use A Lot Less Court "Protection"


  1. Actually, this new nightmare is in place all across the country, thanks to the efforts of the organized Bar.

    Their self-policing does much to cover it up.

  2. My heart breaks for Marie Long whose estate was repeatedly raped by the very system that is a SMOKESCREEN to protect the ward and his/her assets.

    Guardianship works in the best (financial) interest of the guardian and his gang of thieves with court approval and facilitated by the court.

    We know what is going on, who is doing the raping of the estates yet no one will step up and stop this assault.

    "On Thursday, (probate judge) Lindsay Ellis appointed a new guardian to look after Marie but announced that if she tries to sue to get any of the old lady's money back, she'll be taken off the case."

    Is this is Threat Lindsay Ellis? IF the new guardian works in the best interest of the ward?

    Did Ellis benefit financially in any manner by doing nothing, by stalling while Long's estate was drained?

    When will Marie Long end up on MEDICAID? Paid for by us the taxpayers while the guardian's loop of crooks end up with all of Ms. Long's estate in record time.

    Did the IRS get it's fair share?

  3. I hope Marie Long and her family find NASGA.

  4. I feel so bad for Marie Long.

  5. It's what so many have been through and it's so very wrong. We all have to believe in Karma -- they'll get theirs.

  6. $1.3 mil in four years? Sounds like Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Lindsay Ellis has one gigantic rubber stamp.

    I hope the family has filed discipline charges on the judge and the guardian's attorney.

  7. A lot less "protection" is right. Guardianship abuse is perpetrated under the guise of "protection." What it is, many times, is simply self enrichment of guardians and attorneys.

  8. The court-appointed attorney should have filed a grievance on Ellis.

  9. Thank you for this story. It breaks my heart.

  10. Wonder if Ellis would have treated her own mother any better...
