Saturday, December 12, 2009

Luzerne County May Have to Repay Funds

Luzerne County may have to repay $27,979 in state funding because of problems with the way the previous court administration handled payments for guardian services involving children removed from their homes due to alleged abuse and neglect.

The finding stems from a state Department of Public Welfare audit. The county administration requested the audit after suspicions that some state funding may not have been used for the intended purpose.

The audit challenges $27,979 in state reimbursements because the county did not track or document some of the costs of guardian services. The county also obtained state reimbursement higher than the allowable rate from 2003 through 2006, the audit said.

The audit also found the previous court administration used state funding earmarked for guardian ad litem services to pay Orphan’s Court worker Michael Shucosky, also an attorney, more than $200,000 for additional work as a court master. A master presides over some court actions in place of a judge.

Children were represented, but the guardianship work was performed by John Bellino, the county’s $50,230-per-year staff guardian ad litem, since 2000.

The audit says the county paid Shucosky $481,745 from 2004 through 2008 for three different jobs – court master, contracted mental health hearing officer and a county Orphan’s Court employee. The court removed Shucosky from the mental health hearing officer post after the state’s draft audit was released in August.

Full Article and Source:
County May Have to Repay $27,979


  1. everybody's watching Luzerne County and the news keeps coming

  2. So the county's got an accounting problem? I'm not surprised.

  3. If the county isn't tracking the money, are we to wonder if they're tracking the guardians?

  4. It happened with the kids; it undoubtedly happens with the elderly as well - "Cash for junkers." And not just in PA!

  5. some one got to stop cys from children for money,

  6. I can't say too much. I lost children to an abuser in family court. Then the abuser abandoned them. Apparently my own family (who I knew was supporting the abuser) had their own motives to get rid of first a competent mother, than the father, and appropriate OUR daughters for their part-time amusement (that the Dad had abandoned my kids was concealed from me after -- due to no way to get court-ordered contact ENFORCed -- after they'd been taken by a violation of physical custody order to me initially (a felony, I still say -- per the books). It destroyed me professionally, financially and would ahve emotionally if I wasn't stronger. I'm not the same --but I'm still here.

    Now it turns out that there was pre-planned attempt to label ME incompetent from the start, and I have an abusive -- no, terrorizing - elder sister in control of what I need to survive (after my own work life was destroyed, literally, through these events spanning several years). I can't say too much more or it will go PTSD again.

    No judge anywhere has ruled me incompetent as a mother or as a person. I have the ability to handle my own financial affairs ABSENT nonstop legal aggressions coupled with stalkings by this (now, having nowhere to hang out father -- no one could instill a work ethic in the guy, and my marriage had been very violent). . . .. I have two college degrees, everyone involved knows I'm not a bad parent, but nevertheless, having someone else controlling MY money disburse it to two attorneys (one to protect me from abuse by my sister, so I can retain some safety zone when demanding access to information about my own inheritance -- and another one, hired by my fiduciary (and she refuses to give proof of expenses) -- who is saying, you don't get to have proof. I have two college degrees, am physically sound, and have prior work running other people's businesses, and working for a CPA firm and Law firm. This situation is, simply put, extortion. (COmment in two parts here -- 2nd part = why am submitting here).

  7. Federal Lawsuit Filed against GAL in Lackawanna County" (Stefanov V. Ross).

    I hope moderator is around and approves my first comment. I am active on PA forum because I track various nonprofits that take court-ordered services, and in short, wanted an answer for how come I couldn't get basic simple justice in the family court forum. NASGA is doing a great job here, reporting -- thank you!

    I looked up James A. Bellino (below) here after finding his name on a parental termation case cited by the Defendant (GAL) Ross in Lackawanna County. The situation is out of control there, and it's clear that this woman feels sure she has the support of judges and is acting with impunity.

    No one can do enough audits to correct all the racketeering going on through the family court system -- it's set up to enable this. I'm putting up two different URLs with my comments, and they are resources for parents. The key concept of overbilling, overlapping roles, and tapping state funds as well as charging parents, applies in many states.

    The courts themselves as set up are the problem. Yo wouldn't believe what kind of money is behind all of this. See my blog for some indicators.

    And pray for me -- I've been fighting certain situations 20 years now, been through hell, watched my elderly mother abused (by sisters) over custody of MY children, and now she has died, and I have to face off with them. I have no earthly relatives (presently) of any support or even emotional connection, and my other support groups -- already going through some rotations because of ongoing abuse -- tend to get worn out. I do have some close friends, but there are financial matters -- if you're driven out of work, and not able to access what you need, that's pretty nasty. I am looking at this point for a safe place; but the blogging is a public service and a track record for others. I'm not in PA.

    People not stranded in the courts or dealing with protecting someone from guardianship abuse need to get the picture -- because once we are gone, it's down to you. Family & Probate law are related. I say more at the blog herein. !!!
