Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Neglect Confirmed at Chancellor Gardens of the Lakes

Employees at a Las Vegas assisted-living and Alzheimer's facility could face criminal charges as part of an ongoing investigation into allegations of neglect.

The Nevada Division of Aging and Disability Services turned over an investigative report to the attorney general's office to determine whether charges will be filed.

The agency's investigation confirmed a complaint of elder neglect at Chancellor Gardens of the Lakes.

In a report released Monday, investigators said hundreds of pills that should have been administered were discarded, a patient with a history of seizures had suffered several falls and the facility failed to notify a patient's guardian when the resident was admitted to the hospital.

Investigators also found that staff could not explain how to look for urinary tract infections or care for patients who had catheters.

The report, which is based on a survey from Oct. 20 to Nov. 2, details conditions for the 110 residents, some of whom pay up to $4,000 each month to stay there.

The accusations are part of ongoing allegations of neglect by facility employees. Previously, investigators found dozens of residents went without their medications and suffered neglect under the care of unqualified staff.

Marla McDade Williams, chief of the Nevada Health Division's Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance, said a survey that concluded last week also uncovered problems, even though facility operators knew they were under state scrutiny.
State inspectors have been at Chancellor Gardens at least a half-dozen times this year.

The facility is one of 14 owned by Utah-based Senior Management Concepts. One of the owners, Vaughn Pulsipher, said he is correcting the problems.

Full Article and Source:
Report Confirms Neglect at Care Center for Elderly


  1. I hope they face the maximum criminal charges!

  2. Thank you for following this story, NASGA. It makes me sick, but it's important the word gets out.

  3. These facilities have deep pockets.

    Make them pay. Make them pay good - and then lock up the owner and those in management who allowed this abuse.

  4. Allowing UTI's to continue untreated is a sure way to kill somebody off early.

  5. It never ceases to amaze me how low people will go for greed. What a terrible shame. I can't imagine how the poor people felt being subjected to this abuse.

  6. Could face criminal charges?

    I hope they prosecute each and every one who is involved in this cruel inhumane treatment.

    I was told by a reliable source UTI's are an easy way to get rid of a person. This method was used on our loved one, the Medicare approved drug was ineffective leaving our loved one to die in horrific pain.

    One has to question whether or not any antibiotic was administered, I will never know.

    My wish is that those who engaged in this elimination effort of our loved one all have miserble, grief filled lives and that they die a slow death alone, in pain and afraid in a stripped down room left slumped in a wheelchair.


  7. Where is our government and what the hell are they doing about these facilities?

  8. My family is a victim of the Chancellor Gardens, my grandmother suffered 4th degree burns as a chair she was smoking on right in front of thier office caught on fire. I was informed it was "my" fault for not giving her fire resistant clothing! What jerks, I want them to pay, she passed away with 3 weeks from the burns. My children will never know what a kind soul she was and the many answers she could have given us about our roots. BTW- They are still open and taking in new people. Plain rotten!

  9. Anon, I am so sorry for your loss. There is no excuse for the pain and suffering your mother was forced to endure, leaving you with memories of her last days. I hope criminal charges are in their future, they are dangerous they must be punished.

  10. I am trying to locate persons who have placed loved ones at Chancellor Gardens since 2005(as I have).

    I have LOTS of damaging information to share and would like to start some type of class lawsuit to shut this place down.

    Helen went in extremely healthy and rapidly declined. The two things I was promised in her care (being taken to Mass and allowed a glass of red wine with dinner) were NEVER carried out. Despite repeated meetings with a new director every few months where I was always assured problems would be immediately corrected, nothing ever changed.

    There was NO security (doors left wide open in the middle of the night, homeless people sneaking in and roaming the halls, etc.), she managed to walk out in the middle of the night and cross a major 6 lane street before they caught up with her hours later, her purse and wedding rings were stolen, and she left DEAD.

    I took great effort in picking out the perfect place to care for her (at $4,000 a month!) and I want justice for her and all of the others who suffer at their hands.

    I have even asked for her records but been denied.

    Please contact me at LChanslor@aol.com if you have a legal interest in this tragic situation or are an interested attorney. There are MANY victims at this point and yet they are still open and abusing our loved ones.


  11. Chancellor Gardens is not what everyone is saying....If it was don't you think the state would of closed them down by now...COME ON PEOPLE!

    Chancellor has been re-opened since June and doing just fine..They have an occpuancy of 80% go figure....
