Sunday, January 3, 2010

Documentary "Be Wise, Be Aware: Preventing Elder Financial Abuse" Airs Tonight

Elder Financial Protection Network (EFPN), an award winning non-profit organization, has teamed up with Bank of the West and NBC Bay Area to produce a special 30-minute TV documentary entitled: "Be Wise, Be Aware: Preventing Elder Financial Abuse." The program will air on NBC 11, Sunday, January 3 at 9:00 pm.

The half-hour program explores the many facets of elder financial abuse including fraud and scams by strangers and family members that target elders, and features the stories of victims and survivors of this rapidly growing crime.

"Elder financial abuse is a very serious issue in our community that can have devastating financial and emotional consequences for victims, who sometimes lose their lifesavings," said Joe Ford, Chief Security Officer at Bank of the West, which sponsored the documentary. "This documentary will raise awareness and educate all of us on how to protect ourselves and our loved ones from this crime."

Full Article and Source:
Elder Financial Protection Network Announces "Be Wise, Be Aware: Preventing Elder Financial Abuse"


  1. This should be interesting - thanks for the heads up!

  2. yes interesting but i don't see anything about wising up folks about scams on elders by: fiduciaries, did i miss it?

  3. Good point, jerri. I bet they don't even think about fiduciaries exploiting the vulnerable.
