Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ex-Broker Says She Can't Pay Back Stolen Funds

A former Joliet resident who was found guilty nearly four years ago of stealing thousands of dollars from an elderly man has yet to pay back all the money.

Now Gloria Osorio, 37, wants a public defender to represent her.

Osorio, who is living in Chicago and in the past sometimes used the first name of Renee, was arrested in 2004 and charged with four counts of financial exploitation of the elderly. While working as a broker for investment firm A.G. Edwards, she was accused of taking money from Earl Fromm Sr. of Morris. Osorio was supposed to have invested the cash for him but did not.

During the investigation, Osorio told a Joliet police officer that she took between $65,000 and $70,000 over a few months. Some of the money was used to pay off the $34,000 loan on her Mercedes-Benz. She also told the officer about opening an account for Fromm at a credit union. Osorio had access to that money and listed herself as Fromm's granddaughter on the credit union's records.

Represented by Ira Goldstein, Osorio had a bench trial in September 2005 in Judge Richard Schoenstedt's courtroom, and he found her guilty.

In early 2006, the judge sentenced Osorio to 48 months probation and 180 days in jail. He also ordered her to pay restitution of a little more than $62,500.

Osorio paid $26,527.30 but still owes more than $36,000.

Osorio will return to court at 9:30 a.m. Feb. 4.

Full Article and Source:
Ex-Broker Can't Pay Back Stolen Money, Afford Lawyer


  1. Perhaps she could work the debt off by doing laundry and scrubbing bed side toilets at a local nursing homes for minimum wage, debt recovery, until it's paid back.

  2. Hard labor in jail - that's right!

  3. I second the working it off motion!

  4. good idea anon's my suggestion is first to have the crook work it off scrubbing toilets paying restitution on a firm schedule IF the crook fails to comply with the order then i suggest the crook immediately goes to prison then the prisoner can qualify for work release during the day then back to prison with all earnings by the inmate must be submitted to the the doc then to the victim no excuses you do the crime you do the time
