Thursday, February 4, 2010

Caretaker Arrested in FL Nursing Home Thefts

A woman who was supposed to be taking care of people at an area nursing home has been taking from them instead, said a police report released by the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office.

Sharon Kaiser, 44, of Jacksonville, was arrested on suspicion of fraudulent use of credit cards, petit theft, exploitation of the elderly, bank fraud, grand theft and fraudulent use of personal identification information.

Initially, missing checks were reported at the large retirement community late last year. The report indicates there are a lot more missing items at Cypress Village.

The police reports said one elderly resident reported that someone stole a $5,000, a 14-karat charm bracelet, and a $2,500 ring from her. Another victim reported having a $1,600 necklace and an $1,800 gold chain swiped.

Some victims in the report said this problem is widespread. In the one report, a victim claims "there has been around 90 items stolen from different patients from Cypress Village." Police arrested Kaiser after police reported linking jewelry found at pawn shops to her.

Full Article and Source:
Arrest Made in Nursing Home Thefts


  1. So glad they arrested one caretaker stealing from the vulnerable. There is such a need for reform to protect the vulnerable. Every day elderly are neglected, abused and exploited by the very people who are to protect them. Once a court is involved appointing professional guardians, the guardian then has the ability to legally use the vulnerables estate to commit these crimes with no established oversight. Be a voice!

  2. How low can people sink for a buck? I have to wonder how many people with criminal minds are in positions of OPPORTUNITY? Shameful example of the dark side.

  3. Preying on the elderly and disabled in nursing facilities deserves a very strict punishment.

  4. This type of news is growing like mold. Scares me into planning an early way out to avoid becoming someone's profit. Just the thought about being old, frail and vulnerable depending on strangers in some institution with vultures just waiting for an opportunity to pick my bones is not in my plan for my final time on earth - hell no!
