Friday, February 12, 2010

Good News for Danny Tate

In the light of recent events, it looks as if the legal Titanic is beginning to turn. In open court this morning, Randy Kennedy, though angry and frustrated, realizes his political and legal future is in question.

That said, he denied a final order making Danny Tate a permanent ward of the court, and followed the instructions of the Appellate Court to allow a final hearing which will result, finally, in an evidentiary trial with adversarial counsel representing Danny Tate.

In truth, this has never happened in the entirety of this case. This is the first single item granted in favor of Mr. Tate in this entire debacle and it’s obvious that public outcry influenced this decision.

Trial date is set for May 25, 2010.

The true battle has just begun. It will probably exhaust every dime left in Danny Tate’s retirement account to stage this trial considering he will be billed for all depositions, evaluations, etc. of both sides. Let’s make sure the criminal activity on the part of the judge, the attorney, but especially the conservator, Danny Tate’s brother, has a chance to come to light. This should NEVER happen to another soul again. This is potentially GOOD NEWS!

But it’s far from over…


See Also:
Court-Ordered Hell


  1. Keep the faith Danny Tate we will work tirelessly to the end to see that you are free of this conservatorship scheme.

  2. Good luck, Danny. Your victory is a victory for all wards.

  3. Thank God that you are famous and have many friends, Danny. Many of us who have loved ones that have been declared incapacitated through this injust court system, don't stand a prayer of winning against this evil system.

    I assume that all you had to do was get sober again. My loved one had short term memory loss, just recently diagnosed. It was not that bad. But as soon as a family feud erupted (as you)the court system took over his life. He lost all rights to everything. He is stuck in a home with no hope of any change. He is also being drugged to stay passive.
    I will surely be rooting for you! Maybe your case can expose this system and help all of us.

  4. It is unbelievable that this is happening in The United States of America. It is too easy for a guardianship/conservatorship to be granted - it can be obtained in a matter of hours. But the poor person whose life is "taken over" has to spend months and years fighting for their freedom back - and the worst part is they have to pay for it - eventually bankrupting themselves in the process.

  5. Thank you Danny for allowing your unjust conservatorship to be publicized. The Guardianship scheme is not only decimating to 'wards' of the State and their family's, it is responsible for trillions of taxdollar waste and fraud annually.

  6. My hope and prayers are with you Danny so you can be free again to pursue your dreams. God Bless You and your friends.

  7. Sorry, CeCe - you're wrong about how long it takes to guardianize a victim: It can happen in mere minutes!

  8. This is good news - keep it coming!

    And thank you, NASGA, for following this case.

  9. Danny you are a very courageous person to come forward publicly with your story so others can learn and many will be saved from this unnecessary torment.

  10. Yes, the true battle has begun. They (the guardian) will delay, delay, delay -- anything to eat up the estate.

    Hopefully with the media watching, they won't get by with their usual.

  11. i hope the courtroom is overflowing with supporters of danny tate now is the time to come together for the trial of good vs evil and i hope the evil ones burn in hell

  12. Great News for Danny, never give up. My prayers are with you and also that your public exposure will help expose others in the same situtation.

  13. Thelma - I stand corrected - you are right - all it takes is a couple quick lies in court and guardianship is granted. It can be done in a matter of minutes.

  14. I think this was a done deal hashed out in an out building or someone's greasy garage.

    Welcome to America!
