Saturday, February 27, 2010

No Raise for Probate Judge Tommy Crosslin

Colbert County commissioners passed a resolution opposing a bill that would have increased Probate Judge Tommy Crosslin's salary by more than $50,000 a year.

The decision is likely unnecessary because the bill in its current form is unconstitutional and will not be introduced, State Sen. Bobby Denton, D-Muscle Shoals, said.

"As far as I know right now, there wouldn't be any need in pursuing this issue," Denton said. "I'd be foolish to introduce a bill that would be unconstitutional."

[State Rep. Marcel Black, D-Tuscumbia] said any effort to increase Crosslin's pay should be based on the duties of his office and have the input of the county commission, which pays his salary and employee benefits, including retirement.

Full Article and Source:
Judge's $50,000 Raise Dead


  1. It's always about the money...

  2. Well, I really think $50K is the top most judges should be paid.

    They have a wonderful retirement package too.

  3. I don't know what Judge Crosslin gets paid now, but $50 thousand at one time is outrageous.

    Doesn't he know the economy is bad? Isn't he lucky just to have a job?

  4. Guess this judge is not as important as he thinks he is.

  5. He wanted $50,000 more a year when his poor employees only make $15,000 a year and they do all the work...Makes no sense!!!!
