Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ohio Judge Retiring

After more than three decades on the bench, Judge Richard Evans has decided to hang up his robe.

"I used to think that 37 years was an inconceivably long time," Evans said.

But Evans was just a few years short of his predecessor in probate court, Judge C.M. Ross, who was with Coshocton County Probate and Juvenile Court for 37 years. Evans is the seventh common pleas judge to hold the office here since the position was created in 1917.

In 1980, he ran for common pleas general division judge and has held the seat ever since.

Full Article and Source:
Judge Evans Hanging Up His Robe


  1. I realize Judge Richard Evans is proud of his record of service and don't want to take that away from him, because I don't know if he is a good judge or not.

    But, I do think as a rule, judges should only serve one term -- two at the most. I think almost every one of them gets tainted in that amount of time.

  2. I agree with Betty. Term limits are imperative to break up the good old boys club.

  3. Sounds like an honest judge? I hope so!

  4. Wouldn't we all like to have a high-paying, great benefits, guaranteed job for life.
