Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sealing Britney Spears' Records?!

BRITNEY SPEARS’ lawyers have filed legal papers in a bid to keep the singer’s personal and medical records confidential.

Attorneys for the hitmaker’s conservatorship, Geraldine Wyle and Jeryll Cohen, fear Spears’ “critical information” and that of her sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James, will end up in the public domain.

They have now launched a legal bid to have the documents protected by a court order.

Full Article and Source:
Spears' Lawyers Fight to Keep Her Personal Records Confidential

See Also:
Britney Still Conserved


  1. Baloney all you Britney Spears fans. They're not wanting to seal the conservatorship records to protect Britney's privacy; they're protecting themselves!

  2. Cui Bono?

    Who benefits from Spears' medical records being sealed?

    Just the picture you posted here shows a person addled and mentally sedated by pharmaceuticals.

  3. The reason Britney Spears attorneys have filed papers is to justify their existence... they want to mlk the cash cow a little more. They will collect a fee for filing the papers and will collect another fee for all the litigation that follows... you know there are other lawyers who will object and then the battle begins! I wonder if Britney Spears even cares about any of this.

  4. I thought that due to HIPPA laws, it would be an invasion of Britney Spears'right to privacy for anyone to give out her medical records.

  5. when she has a conservator, she has no rights.

  6. Britney is very fortunate to have her dad as her conservator. If she had a "professioanl guardian" it would be almost impossible to every get control of her own life. The would hold on tight for the money.

  7. I think, Annie, that a ward doesn't have the right to privacy because the public's right to know outweighs the individual's rights in a conservatorship.

  8. Anon 2, Britney's fortunate right now. They'll eventually remove her Dad - wait and see.
