Friday, March 26, 2010

Danny's Diary

Readers, take note. See what the actions of one friend can do. One phone call to the right person. One letter to the governor. One conversation with the right person. You never know who is going to be the one to make a difference. I implore you to continue to write the governor, contact the press that you might know, contact anyone in the legislature, post the link to “Court Ordered Hell” on your FaceBook page, email the link to everyone you know, inform every one you know of this injustice, spread the word any way you can, prepare to demonstrate, organize, demand. This errant law is well entrenched and those that protect its deep, dark secret think they are teflon, protected by those that appointed them, above the law, beyond reproach.

But I say “we the people” are the ones these officials should have to answer to, be accounted by and serve. I am in a fortunate position where my case has been exposed. There are thousands who have no voice to be heard and I fight this battle not only for myself but for them. I fight this battle for the father of my daughters. I fight this battle for the elderly who have been “put away” not to be found or heard from. It’s an ugly secret of our legal system. DO NOT let this court get away with what it has done.

Full Article and Source:

See Also:
Court Ordered Hell

Danny's Diary


  1. Danny is absolutely right --- the deeper the piles of paper, the longer the paper trail ... the better chance we have.

    On a personal note -- I am to be in court in an hour and a half ... no big deal. But reading through some things this morning getting myself prepared I see where one of my jurisdictional challeneges has been denied under a "local rule" ... [You will love this]

    Seems that local rule does not allow one to file a court document that is folded. That's right, justice denied because I folded the motion....

    silly me ---

  2. It is so important for guardianship victims and their families to have a support system and that's the first thing the guardians and attorneys attempt to destroy.

  3. You folded the motion, Tim? Oh my - well, I can see it and they were right in denying your motion because of this grave error. After all, how would they know that a folded motion can be unfolded? It's probably way beyond their comprehension!

  4. okay ... I am back from court -- took about two minutes to piss them all off --- I think I will now re-work my motion and file it unfolded ....

    see what their next excuse and bs reasoning is ----

  5. They probably just added that one in to get rid of Tim! He's a real thorn in their side...

  6. Danny is doing the right thing by coming forward, by stepping up and speaking loudly and often about his guardianship of hell on earth case.

    We believe in you, we support you, we stand with you, we are listening, Danny, keep shouting out loud and keep that bright light shining on those who are responsible.

    Best to you Tim in your "hellhole of litigation".

  7. Court Ordered Hell is the perfect title for what happened to Danny Tate.

    Without the media and the press would anyone know about this?

    Beware we could be reading about you! Think it can't happen to you, an innocent person? Think again: Did Danny think this would happen to him? Hell NO!

  8. keep fighting the guardianship mafia with the truth Danny
