Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Outrage: 'Family Guy' Mocks Terri Schiavo

Since the Sunday prime time airing of FOX's, 'Family Guy', and their mocking of Terri Schiavo and other disabled people in the opening scene of the program, Terri's Foundation has been inundated with emotionally charged emails and phone calls.

These supportive communications have been two-fold: sympathetic to the deep wounds that have been opened by this vulgar episode; and to express their anger and outrage at FOX Network for allowing this program to openly display prejudice towards people with cognitive disabilities. The intent of the people contacting us now is to cease their patronage of advertisers who support 'Family Guy'.

We are asking other disability rights groups and pro-family organizations to consider joining us in sending a message to Fox that programs which promote prejudice against disabled human beings will be boycotted along with their advertisers.

If you would like to contact FOX, here is their information:

Ms. Gail Berman, President
FOX Broadcasting Company
P.O. Box 900
Beverly Hills, CA 90213
(310) 369-1000
E-Mail: askfox@foxinc.com

Gaude Lydia Paez, Vice President Communications
FOX Broadcasting Company
Phone: (310) 369-3276
Fax: (310) 369-1283
E-Mail: gaude.paez@fox.com

FOX Broadcasting Company
10201 West Pico Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Phone: (310) 369-3553

Web: www.fox.com

Full Article and Source:
Outcry from Across the Country Continues Over Fox's 'Family Guy' Attack on Terri Schiavo

See Also
Watch the Family Guy Episode, Season 8, Episode 14

Terri Schiavo Foundation


  1. That was a really nasty piece of work, and Fox heard from me!

  2. My family would be happy to boycott the sponsors! Please include a list of them in the next article on this topic.

  3. This is what we've come to America? Somebody actually thought this was funny - and even got paid for it? I am appalled and I'm going to get busy and write Fox about it.

  4. I hope everybody emails Fox and expresses their outrage!

  5. This is pretty sick stuff and absolutely humorless.

  6. I feel sorry for the Schiavo family. There is no excuse for "Family Guy" to do this. It's outrageous and rude.

  7. And we wonder why the younger generation doesn't have much respect for the elder generation? Here's an example why!

  8. Not funny, FOX and Family Guy. Not a bit funny. Shame on you.

  9. What's wrong with people that anybody would think this is funny?

  10. Fox should give a formal apology first to the Schiavo family, followed by an apology to their viewers.

  11. Boycotting the sponsors will get Fox's attention as well as writing letters.

    Thank you, NASGA, for posting this story and spreading the word.
