Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tony Leonard, Famed Photographer, a Ward of the State

In nearly 50 years as an equine photographer, Tony Leonard captured hundreds of Thoroughbreds, including Northern Dancer, Secretariat, Seattle Slew and Barbaro.

But Leonard, 87, and his wife, Adelle Bergantino, 81, are now wards of the state. They were placed, against their wishes, in a nursing home. They have no money and no say over what will happen to his photographic negatives, their home, their belongings.

They are just two of more than 2,835 Kentuckians who are active wards of the state — a last resort for those who can no longer care for themselves. Some are incompetent. Some have no family to care for them or act as guardians. Some have no financial resources.

Tony Leonard is not a typical ward of the state. He is well known and has powerful friends and valuable assets. Nevertheless, his story shows the difficulties involved in the state guardianship process.

"Most people don't understand something like this can happen to anyone," said Matt Goins, a freelance photographer and friend of the couple. "You can work your entire life and have all these great successes, and suddenly someone can knock at the door and it's over. You've lost all control over your life."

Full Article and Source:
Tony Leonard, Famed Photographer, a Ward of the State


  1. Matt Goins said it well.

    "You can work your entire life and have all these great successes, and suddenly someone can knock at the door and it's over. You've lost all control over your life."

    Thanks, Matt.

  2. Another helpless ward of the state.

    These stories are getting more and more prolific.

  3. And who would have thought when he was so very successful that it would all end up this horrible way?

    I am sorry for what he and his wife are enduring at the hands of the system claiming to be protecting them as they are abused.

  4. The article doesn't say if Tony Leonard and his wife have executed their Power of Attorney and if so, did the judge ignored in favor of guardianship.

  5. Good that Matt Goins has an understanding to the corruption involved. Hope he gets snapping pictures before they issue him a no contact. Surely they will issue him one due to his friendship, photographics and knowledge of the guardianship corruption. They'll want him out of their way!

  6. there are two types of people:

    PREADATORS and their PREY

    are you next?

  7. I am glad Tony Leonard has a support system. Think of all the people who are all alone and whisked away, never to be heard from again.

    Tony Leonard is in a pickle for sure, but at least he and his wife have friends to talk to and support them.
