Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Friends for Danny Tate's Defense

Recently friends of Danny’s have put together a Facebook Page and it is rapidly generating a tremendous amount of interest. And action. T-shirts have finally been made, benefits are actually being planned, and people are pestering the politicians.

This is what we’d hoped for when after making a few “Free Danny Tate” videos and posting them on the internet we still felt like something was lacking. We were tired of hearing about the latest indignity Danny had to suffer, and even more tired of feeling “powerless” over the situation, so we decided to, in our inimitable manner, DO something about it.

Somehow we had a feeling this would come to pass.

Full article and Source:
Free Danny Tate

Join Friends for Danny Tate's Defense:
Facebook Page

See Also:
What Nerve! Conservator's Attorney Bills Estate for Reading Victim's Blog


  1. Glad to see the Free Danny Tate movement growing!!!

  2. I just joined the Facebook group. Over 1800 members! Wow!

  3. yes yes yes free danny tate!!! from the grips of the greedy probate mafia i'm ordering my t's before the supply runs out thank you all who are stepping up and speaking out and donating to support danny be free who didn't need to be in this position from day one i'm one of the PROUD 1800 friends of danny

  4. Thank you for following the Tate case, NASGA. I feel like he will be freed because of all of the publicity.

  5. The truth will set Danny Tate free

  6. The thing the probate club hates is publicity and the bright light shining on them. Due to Danny's bravery and determination for coming forward, society will benefit, lives will be saved. Thank you Danny for not giving up, for fighting for your rights that were wrongfully taken from you so long ago.

  7. I believe Danny will be able to free himself and when he does, he'll be a spokesperson for other victims!

  8. It's great to see this support!

  9. I bet Danny Tate's guardian wishes he'd never done this to Danny. The word is out, the truth will not be surpressed!

  10. Keep the faith, Danny! We're rooting for you!!!

  11. I just looked at the link about the blood sucking lawyer charging for reading Danny's blog. What nerve is right!

  12. One issue is absolutely certain Attorney Paul Housch will never ever forget the name DANNY TATE!
