Sunday, April 18, 2010

Memories Fade, but Feelings Remain

Even though a memory is forgotten, the feeling may still remain. A new scientific discovery brings with it implications for memory-stripping diseases like amnesia and Alzheimer's.

In a study involving patients with damage to their hippocampus -- a type of amnesia causes short-term memory loss -- researchers at the University of Iowa discovered that although a recent memory disappears, the feeling originally linked to the memory remains.

The type of memory loss looked at in the study is the same type of amnesia that is an early sign of Alzheimer's disease. Researchers say these findings reinforce the importance of caring for the emotional needs of Alzheimer's patients.

"A simple visit or phone call from family members might have a lingering positive influence on a patient's happiness even though the patient may quickly forget the visit or phone call," Feinstein said. "On the other hand, routine neglect from staff at nursing homes may leave the patient feeling sad, frustrated and lonely even though the patient can't remember why."

Full Article and Source:
Amnesia: Memories Forgotten, but Feelings Remain


  1. How true this is yet many of these people experience this routine neglect at nursing homes which appears to only worsen their condition. This neglect is not always the nursing homes fault.
    My mother has experienced this type of neglect in the "Sunshine State" at the hand of a court appointed guardian being medicated and isolated intentionally. Mother is being held in Florida against her will and that of her families even though the "Sunshine State" appears to have no legal jurisdiction over her as a resident and domicile of Pennsylvania.
    NOTE: It could be VERY dangerous to vacation in Florida. You may never get to go home again!!
    Feel free to contact me for more facts about this danger!

  2. This is a great article. So many times, I've heard people say they're not going to visit someone in a nursing facility becuase that person won't know them.

    It's not whether or not the person knows the visitor that counts most.

    It's the good feeling left behind after the visit. That's what's important.
