Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Victim of 10 Years of Abuse and Exploitation

A victim of 10 years of Abuse and Financial Exploitation, because Law Enforcement turned a deaf ear to "White Collar" crime, and the judiciary has refused to acknowledged my legally executed Probate documents, my Power of Attorney, and the Revocation of the POA - allowing my assets to be seized by the perpetrator(s) with a "blank" form of a trust, not by court order, but by affidavit only.

NASGA - Victims' Stories


  1. Seized by affidavit? This is an interesting story, I am sure.

    I hope you're quest to regain your estate and your life is successful.

  2. 10 years? That's awful. But, it's also a testiment to your strength.

  3. I hope the people who did this to you are held accountable.

  4. I am sorry for what you are going through and sorry it's been going on so long. It's not right and I am sure there are days when you want to give up. But, don't. We are behind you and we are rooting for your success!

  5. You're right, this is white collar crime.

    I hope you have filed grievances on the judge.

  6. Bless you. I will pray for your continued strength.

  7. Yes, by "Notarized Affidavit" only. The Probate Court has no record of this blank typewritten form of a trust. The circuit court came up with a copy,(under the Freedom of Information Act) furnished by the offending attorney,with his logo in each corner of the document, a sure confirmation, that it was placed, after the fact, or it would have been filed in Probate Court (as mandated) when a Trustee was appointed by affidavit only. With no law enforcement interested to investigate or prosecute,

  8. What can we expect?

    Lawyers have a "License to Steal"!

  9. It's a crying shame. 10 years is longer than a prison sentence -- and at least after they've served their time, they're out!

  10. The judge refused to acknowledge your documents, including your PoA? That's awful. I hope you filed a complaint on him/her.

  11. I don't know how you have such strength to be fighting this battle for so long, but I am glad you do. You are already a winner. The perps who did this to you should rot in hell.

  12. The POA and the Revocation, including the Probate records, were "lost" at the trial court level, and not made available on appeal to overturn a judgment in favor of the elderly mother. 10 years later, it is almost impossible to demand for any court, or judge to look at the recovered records. It would be admitting judicial error.

  13. The question is who will take action and when?

  14. I've been following Erna's plight for about 3 years now. This woman has battled all the way up through the court system, and you would THINK that at least ONE Judge would have had some common sense, and returned her assets to her---but no! Apparently. the judicial system can't handle the fact that they made a mistake, and they refuse to admit it by doing the right thing.

    This woman suffers, having gone without food and lifesaving prescription meds, while our esteemed Judges protect their egos.

    There should be a law against THAT, IMO. You know who I am, Erna, keep fighting, I'm with you every step!

  15. It is now May 26, 2011, and I like to give an update.
    Even though I have Proof of "Conspiracy" by the attorney's (uncluding mine) to secure an inheritance for my son, a stockbroker, and the judge who assigned a trustee to a trust, I did not create,in fact was made up by the opposing attorney, I had no chance to be heard. In fact, the trustee, whom I have never met or spoken to, declares openly I am a woman with a "diminishing mind" when I questioned, why my Rights to my inheritance were surrendered on an Affidavit only. Legal Malpractice, that no local attorney wants to touch for fear of reprisals. The District Attorney lulls himself in silence when I confronted him with evidence of fraud.

  16. Wow. I'm in the exact situation. I didn't realize an affidavit wasn't valid. This is amazing news. So the fact that my fiance is deemed to be incompetent by and affidavit that a judge signed, doesn't make it court order? Am I understanding this correctly? Erna, I have a question for you. How have you been able to afford to pay for an attorney, or have you done it all on your own? The probate coordinator says we need to have an attorney, the attorneys say we need $10,000. The perpetrators attorney is supposedly a very powerful very respected attorney, and most people say they can help, but back out when I mention the name of the criminal's attorney. Do we have to fight this a lawyer or can we just pay the $73 and draft our own complaints? If that's the case, I'm confident I could fight this and win. I've researched enough legal documents by now to understand how they should be relayed and formatted. Erna, can I do this alone? Did you?
