Saturday, May 29, 2010

Doctors Enlisted to Look Out for Elderly Fraud

Older people are one of the hottest targets for scams, and lack of financial knowledge makes them all the more vulnerable.

The issue is so important that the North American Securities Administrators Association will soon start a campaign aimed at reducing financial fraud against the elderly.

"A very large number of [elderly] fraud victims are suffering from diminished mental capacity," said Denise Voigt Crawford, association president and Texas state securities commissioner. "It makes them more vulnerable to pitches by fraudsters."

The association's campaign will include the creation of a pocket guide to help doctors determine whether their patient is a victim of investment fraud.

Among the signs are whether a patient is having trouble paying bills because he or she is confused by them or is giving away money he or she can't afford.

Full Article and Source:
Doctors Enlisted to Look Out for Elderly Fraud


  1. Not good -- now the probate team has enlisted yet more help in guardianizing innocent and vulnerable people. I do not doubt that some people will be helped too, but much fewer than will be helped.

  2. Let's just put arm bands on the ill, disabled and elderly.

    Hitler did in Germany it was not just the Jewish community that got rounded up.

    These groups can be the Medical experiments in Pa they stopped the Pharma companies from using Prisoners because it was exploitation

  3. I don't think that will help much. PROBATE INSIDERS always include an MD, who is either one of them or close enough that he/she fully cooperates with the THEM. In my case, MD honestly gave favorable evaluation to my mother, which was NOT favorable to APS's agenda of state guardianship. Court & guardian, et al(INSIDERS) just ignored MD's recommendations THAT MOM DIDN'T NEED NURSING FACILITY. However, the MD still cooperated with "guardian" by not communicating with me; ignoring my input, etc. He knew by my contact that something was very wrong, yet remained loyal to guardians demands, to a large degree and certainly would not go against PROBATE INSIDERS.

  4. Another helpful gesture that's not helpful.
