Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kohl Gets AARP Leadership Award

U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl recently garnered AARP’s Legislative Leadership Award for what the organization called his work to improve the lives of Americans 50 years and older and their families, the group recently announced.

Kohl supported the Elder Justice Act, a bipartisan bill that establishes a comprehensive foundation for a coordinated network of services, research, information and trained professionals to address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation, according to a news release. He also sponsored legislation relating to criminal background checks for long-term care providers and transparency of nursing homes.

Kohl Gets AARP Leadership Award


  1. HEY SENATOR KOHL, let's hear you commit to Senate hearings on abusive guardianships!

  2. Congratulations Sen Kohl. as supporter of improving the lives of Americans 50 or more, we hope you'll take a hard look at guardianship.

    And remember, it doesn't just happen to the elderly.

  3. Open Letter to the United States Select Senate Committee on Aging and Elder Abuse

    Learn about the elder real estate and financial fraud of my mother and I here at

    I am asking the United States Senate Select Committee On Elder Abuse and Aging to help pass a law preventing Power of Attorney transfer abuse. I am hoping to help protect other senior citizens from the abuse that both my mother and I have experienced. However, I think that I am asking too much.

    Specifically, my request is the following:

    1. That family members be informed before Power of Attorney is revoked and transferred to another person. I learned of the transfer years after the transfer was made and $40,000 was taken out of my mother's account and transferred to my mother's caregiver´s account.

    2. That an interview and mental competency examination be administered to the person intending to make the change in Power of Attorney and that the assessment be given by an independent licensed professional not recommended by the elder person's attorney, nor primary physician, nor primary psychiatrist or caregiver. The examination must be recorded on videotape.

    3. That the person (mother, father, relative) intending to make the transfer in Power of Attorney have an audio-video record of the statement of the cause of the transfer of the Power of Attorney and the actual documents signed with witnesses stating their names, relationship to the elder person and video of their signing the revocation of Power of Attorney documents and the documents transferring the Power of Attorney to the new holder.

    4. That a judicial-medical review be made of the elder person's medical and psychiatric records, including medications.

    Please leave a comment in the comment box if you feel this legislation should be passed.

    Please address your letter to Senator Kohl, United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
    Democratic/Majority Office
    G31 Dirksen Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    Phone: 202-224-5364
    Fax: 202-224-9926

    Thank you.

    Stephen Bass
    Former Napa, CA resident
