Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lawyer Busted

Agents from the attorney general's office arrested a Montgomery County attorney for stealing nearly $555,000 from an elderly woman and, after her death, from her estate. He allegedly used the money to refinance his North Carolina beach house and to pay his credit card debt, authorities said.

Attorney General Tom Corbett identified the defendant as Frank H. Morgan, Jr., 63, of 1704 Clocktower Drive, West Chester, a partner in the Norristown law firm of McTighe, Weiss, O’Rourke, Troncelliti and Morgan.

Evidence and testimony regarding Morgan’s alleged illegal activity was presented to a statewide investigating grand jury, which recommended the criminal charges being filed .

The grand jury found that in February 2006, Rita Trish, a 90-year women living in a Gladwyne assisted living facility, gave Morgan power of attorney, which authorized him to act on her behalf in legal and business matters. Trish gave Morgan her power of attorney three weeks after her husband died.

Full Article and Source:
West Chester Lawyer Busted For Bilking Elderly Client Out of $550,000


  1. One example of many yet to be discovered. Many have suggested long ago the feds begin auditing and reviewing case files of guardianship and estate cases along with the IRS for an eye opening experience well worth their efforts. Someone must step up and announce the gig is up - how long will the theft be allowed to continue?

  2. Good - bust him and lock his sorry self up.

  3. I hope he's sent away for so long no one remembers him.

  4. He needs to come out of prison horizontal not one day sooner!

  5. How long will the Barfia continue protecting the bad guys and punishing the whistleblowers?
