Monday, May 3, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Headed for Britney Spears Style Conservatorship?

The father of Lindsay Lohan wants a Britney Spears-style conservatorship hold over his daughter, he told a US radio show.

Michael Lohan appeared on the Kidd Kraddick show where he confirmed to the host he was meeting with his lawyer to ask a sentencing judge to force Lindsay into a rehabilitation centre or give him control over his daughter's finances and many of her decisions.

Full Article and Source:
Michael Lohan Seeks Conservatorship Hold Over Lindsay


  1. Michael Lohan beware...
    You may end up with a professional guardian or conservator of your daughter, a court ordered guardianship that is nearly impossible to be rid of. They often come with attorneys and judges that are more than happy to spend, waste and steal those assets until they are gone!

  2. Why the hell not? Didn't Brittney's dad make some mucho moolah?

  3. Yes, another cash cow, unfortunately.

  4. I wish Mr. Lohan would read your words, Lou, because you're absolutely right.
