Monday, May 31, 2010

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

Free Danny Tate

See Also:
Facebook: Friends for Danny Tate's Defense


  1. Picture Perfect!!
    That is what is left of Danny & his estate in the middle, huh??

    Oh David should be so ashamed of himself... He allowed this to happen to his brother and his brother's children.

  2. Vultures? They're vultures?

    No! They're fiduciaries - you know, those people who have the greatest TRUST to do right!

  3. all of this is for the benfit of the ward? golly gee how stupid do they think we are? what racket this is someone needs to squash it now remember these people only see dollar signs nothing more they are wired different than you and me so it's no use wasting time tryin to figure how they can do this ~~ it's easy for them

  4. They won't let go until Danny's financial bones are picked clean.

  5. What goes around, comes around. And what they've done to Danny will come back around and bite them.

    They must be stopped. How many innocent victims are there who don't have the support and the voice Danny has?

    Those victims are watching Danny's case with hope that not only will he get his life back -- and his estate, but the scoundrals who took advantage of him (and likely others) will be held accountable.
