Monday, May 17, 2010

Sara Harvey Continues Fight to Bring Her Husband Home

Horseheads, New York, resident, Sara Harvey is in year four of her fight to bring husband, Gary Harvey , home despite direct opposition from his appointed guardian, Chemung County. Harvey has been detained at the Elmira based St. Joseph Hospital as a patient since May, 2009, even though his care can be administered safely at home by his wife. In a recent interview with WLEA's Kevin Doran, Mrs. Harvey described the events and circumstance which have left her powerless to help her husband and provided her only six hours each week of guarded visitation. "I simply want to bring my husband home so I can care for him for the remainder of his life," said Harvey.

Advocacy organizations, the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation (TSSF), the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse (NASGA) and Veterans Today have become publicly involved in order to bring Gary Harvey home under his wife's care.

Full Press Release and Source:
New York Woman Continues Fight to Bring Veteran Husband Home From Local Catholic Hospital

See Also:
Sara Harvey and Stewart Resmar Radio Interview

Help Bring Gary Home!


  1. Keep on fighting Sara. We understand how the courts deem spouses have no rights. We are just to sensitive. You shine a bright light on Guardianship abuse and how the Government allows private and public entities to show hatred and bigotry towards those who are disabled and their families. They are superior to families and their loved ones.

    Supposed normal families have rights. They would not tolerate their constitutional rights being taken away they are Superior human beings isn;t that what Hitler thought.

  2. This is what happens when people who are ADDICTED TO POWER CONTROL AND GREED have control over YOU!

    Keep up the good fight Sara.

  3. Is this what we have to look forward to as we age?

  4. Keep fighting, Sara, we are all behind you!

  5. I am sorry you have to continue going thought this torture, Mrs. Harvey. It's not right. Your husband should be home where he is in comfortable surroundings with his wife and their friends. Who knows how many days/months/years he has left? To isolate him from almost all human contact is to torture him. Anyone who doesn't see that has no empathy.
