Thursday, June 24, 2010

Advocates Vs. Administrator

Elder advocates are seeking to remove Public Administrator Lynn EnEarl from guardianship of a woman they say could be living on her own.

The case of Shirley Hicks was heard by Judge Michael Gibbons on Monday afternoon.

The judge agreed that priority should be given to getting Hicks moved from the elder care facility she is in and moved to a less restrictive place. Gibbons said he would address the guardianship at a hearing on Monday.

Advocates Versus Administrator


  1. We will know Monday if Judge Michael Gibbons is part of the "club," after he addresses the guardianship!

  2. Protective statutes were made for protection of people - not for unjust enrichment by professionals who are protected by their self-serving trade associations!

  3. I will pray for the advocates' strength and endurance.
