Sunday, June 13, 2010

Governor Christie: New Jersey Judicial System is in Serious Need for Housecleaning

Dear Governor Christie:

You were elected to serve the people by administering a government that reflects the will of the people.

One of the most troubling areas of your administration from a civil rights and ethical standpoint is - the Office of Public Guardian, in conjunction with the New Jersey Probate system. This office is supposed to advocate for New Jersey residents that are developmentally disabled or people over age 60 who are ill or disabled but instead the Office the Guardian with the rubber stamp from New Jersey judges is being used to exploit the Ill, Disabled, and Elderly.

Please see the following three stories linking to three guardianship cases in the state of New Jersey that have been pleading with your office and the Judiciary to stop the abuse in the courts and in the New Jersey Office of the Public Guardian:

Matthew Taylor
Kewal Chopra
My Father, a Vietnam Vet With a Purple Heart, is Having His Estate Stolen by New Jersey's Government

Full Editorial and Source:
Chris Christie: New Jersey Judicial System is in Serious Need for Housecleaning


  1. Everyone in New Jersey should contact Matthew with their story so the voices in NJ will stand as one. All voices in each state should organize and stand as one and finally all voices should be put as one to Congress and the President and the National Commission of Disability.

    Fear is what the predators count on.

  2. Not only fear, Anonymous; they count on you being the only one fighting.

    That's what NASGA is for - people working and fighting together.

  3. I wonder how many victims the NJ Office of Public Guardian has? Who's keeping track? Nobody, I bet.

  4. Thank you for taking the time to write this letter. It's efforts like this that get the word out to people who previously had no idea about what guardianship is all about.

  5. I especially love the title and would expand it to say: The entire country's judicial system is in serious need of housecleaning!

  6. I hope the good Governor answers you!

  7. Public guardians are on the average harder to deal with because they are the people we go to for help...little do we know we've walked into the lion's den.

  8. It's very good that three examples were used because the first thing our representatives say is they don't know of any other cases. This person gave three cases and that negates the standard initial response.

  9. You're right, Anonymous1, the predators do count on fear. We must all stand up for reform and refuse to sit down until we get it.

    Please keep us informed what Governor Christie responds.

  10. You see that rubber stamp in many states... Volusia County Court in Florida uses one also. There appears to be no protection for the elderly in Florida. My mother was taken from her residence and domicile to Florida, she is being drugged and exploited by their system. DO NOT even pass thru the Sunshine State... they may keep you until the cash runs dry!
