Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Judge John L. Phillips - Justice Has Not Been Served

Justice has not been served in the case of my dearly departed friend, the Honorable Judge John L. Phillips, known to all as the Kung-Fu Judge. Upon learning of his candidacy in 2001, Brooklyn D.A. Joe Hynes filed an ex-parte (secret action) to seal up all of Judge Phillips' assets. Twelve apartment buildings and two movie Theatres were part of the millionaire judges' empire. The Court then appointed Hynes former Chief of Staff, Harvey Greenberg, as Judge Phillips' "Guardian."

The transcript of the proceeding to condemn Judge Phillips is chilling. The reason presented to the court for a guardian was a videotape presented by a prosecutor from the Brooklyn DA's office, Steven Kramer, who conducted a raid on Judge Phillips home along with three confederates. A.D.A. Kramer produced a videotape of the raid at the hearing, and the chief piece of evidence to appoint a guardian was that Judge Phillips had "campaign posters" in his house. These facts are not in dispute. I've read the transcript.

Judge Phillips was then remanded to a nursing the BRONX, and the race for District Attorney was over.

Full Article and Source:
Judge John L. Phillips - Justice Has Not Been Served


  1. The D.A.'s head man becomes the Guardian?

    That really, really smells!

  2. These Guardianship parasites even go after their own. They sicken me....

  3. i smell it all the way across the miles - if it looks like walks like a skunk and smells like a skunk by golly it is a skunk boy where there are bucks these slimey worms come out of the dirt don't they?

  4. So how come Hynes is still D.A.?

  5. The Judge Phillips case demonstrates that no one is safe, not even a judge!

  6. Let Judge John Phillips not be forgotten!

  7. Yes, this is a case about political power and greed. And the worse part about it is they did it all right under the eye of public scrutiny.
