Tuesday, June 15, 2010

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Press Release


The Protection Racket – You Can Steal More With a Pen Than a Gun!

Picture this - a knock on the door - the police are there to remove you; and you don't know why; you're not a criminal!

By the time you find out why, you are no longer in control of your life, liberty or property; you can’t even hire a lawyer without money.

Not until after your assets are seized and secured by an unlawful court order which you knew nothing about, do you get notice telling you to come to court for a hearing.

That’s what happened to NASGA member musician/songwriter Danny Tate in 2007 when the nightmare scenario described above came true when he found himself in the longest “temporary” conservatorship we’ve ever heard of, with no way out.

After an almost three-year battle, he was recently freed. Why? Because the money ran out and the lawyers will not work for free!

So much for constitutional due process, civil rights, human rights, life, liberty and happiness! What happened to NASGA member Danny Tate can happen to anyone! On this day of World Elder Abuse Awareness, NASGA presents the case of Danny Tate – an able-bodied man in his early 50’s, capable of speaking up and fighting back – who was, however, driven to the brink of bankruptcy by his court-appointed “protectors.” Many of the elderly don’t have Tate’s strength, voice, nor his connections in the music world – imagine how many are abused, their estates plundered, while they are forced to suffer in silence.

The protection program as presently operated across the states has now become "THE PROTECTION RACKET"! That's why NASGA asked Congress to intervene (even before we learned about Danny's story): www.AnOpenLetterToCongress.info.


  1. Picture this - a bus ride to Florida with a daughter who has a history of financial abuse... this trip was to avoid a court proceeding in your resident and domicile state of Pennsylvania. OK... Three years later you are still there, held by the Volusia County Court in the Sunshine State. Your daughter has been sent home by a Professional Guardian, Thief and Liar but she won't let you go home!!! Now, because you are insistent that you want to go home with your family, you are administered dangerous anti-psychotic drugs requested by this guardian. That's what Jetta Getty of Port Orange Florida has done and continues to do to my mother Rita Denmark. By the way, Ms. Getty is protected and assisted by Volusia County Court! Any questions... contact me at hlpeffer@yahoo.com I am in possession of all documentation to substanciate my claim and I would LOVE to share it with you!!

  2. Sucking the estate dry and then walking away from theh helpless victim shows that the Barfia cares nothing about anything except filling their own pockets!


  3. My mother said to me, "I would rather be dead than stay here" referring to the Assisted Living Facility she was forced to stay at by a Court Appointed Guardian.

    They are killing her slowly with the PEN to drain her estate on themselves. If they used a GUN her family would acquire the estate!

  4. That's what has happened to most if not all of the NASGA members.

    This is a National issue and there should be National laws stopping this so the FBI can prosecutute these crimes.

    Judges, Attorneys and Social Services should not be immune from not upholding the laws.

    Right now they ignore them and hope people do not realize what is going on. It's too late once someone files a piece of paper to a court.

  5. I think it's high time the prey turned on the preadators and eliminated them post haste.

    This is a cancer that has spread nationwide with international cases exploding.

    The disease must be cut out and destroyed.

    Guardianship has nothing to do with the best interest of the ward, it's about how much profit this scheme generates for the probate mob.

    Danny is rare - he is a living, walking, talking former ward with quite a story to tell.

    He maintained his sense of self, his moral character and dignity throughout this court sanctioned mugging, although he was robbed of all his life savings, his income, all that has worth fortunately by his own perserverance Danny came out of this with his life....... which is more than most could hope for.

    99% of the time beging declared a ward of the state is a life sentence.

  6. Blook sucking scum needs to be squashed like a deadly spider.

  7. I wonder how concerned David Tate and his Attorney Paul Housch would be if Danny's net worth at the time of seizing him was below the poverty level?

    I wonder if Paul Housch has compassion and works for FREE for the homeless in Davidson County?

    It's all about the money - no money they leave you alone - that's the bottom line.

    If anyone thinks conservatorship or guardianship is in the best interest of the conserved, the ward of the state, they are seriously misinformed or they are part of the problem those in the probate mob squad benefiting financially from this sham.

  8. The being hauled out of one's home against one's will is a common theme in bad guardianship.

  9. I am sorry, Holly. Your mom deserves better. I am glad she has you and I kno wyou won't give up.

  10. Very well said. Thank you NASGA for educating people about the Protection Racket!

  11. Thanks Betty:
    That's the beauty of having the truth on your side. I get to call a spade a spade!! I sure hope she hears me too.

  12. Good luck to all until everyone unites together there will be victim after victim. All cases are important and everyone should be not only telling their stories but others.

    Otherwise the support walks away because it does not take long for people to realize you want their support but are not willing to provide support back. How many victims are actually free ......
