Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Guardianship Abuse: "The Wind of Change is Coming"



  1. $20,000 an hour? Is that what the so-called fiduciaries took? That's insane!

  2. I hope you're right that change is coming. It's so badly needed.

  3. Surely $20K an hour was a mistake??

  4. This is a great idea. Victims should get up and speak at town hall meetings, etc. Anywhere there is a microphone!


    Not a mistake when you calculate how much it is for testing for Neuro Phy. evaluations 5,0000 a pop, other medical testing and then another 3,000 to 5,000 for testimony etc. And you need two to three doctors expertise. And then if the other side wants you to pay for their experts ........ we are off to the races ....... then let's layer in the attorneys, other court expert testimony and the family missing work. This is one expensive racket.

    Remember Medical reports and testimony is not covered under someone's medical insurance.

  6. The government needs to stop Guardianships from being so lucrative for the thieves.

    The biggest problem there are so many hands in the pot and no one adds up the true cost for the ward.

    Just a $1000.00 an hour is insane but add on all the expenses on top of that and well as long as it does not come out of their money spend away.

    How do some attorneys rack up $300,000 to $400,000 in a year that is a lot of money.

  7. did you notice how uncomfortable those men got? their reactions were not what one would hope or expect, their body language speaks volumes, their reactions show disinterest in the subject matter before the board ii hope they find out the hard way what the speaker is alerting them to and we see their video posted here to nasga blog it's just a matter of time stay tuned......

  8. Layer on the attorneys is right. The guardian's attorney hires other attorneys, until pretty soon there are a half dozen feeding at the trough!

  9. She did a good job and made good points. I hope even an ounce of it got through!

  10. Thank you for speaking out! Great job!!
