Thursday, August 26, 2010

At Least 16 Georgia Judges Under Suspicion for Misconduct Since 2008

Since early 2008, at least 16 Georgia judges have resigned or been removed from office either under a cloud of suspicion or after being publicly accused of misconduct. Among them are:

● Clinch County Superior Court Judge Brooks Blitch, who resigned after being accused of overseeing illegal payments to employees and ordering the early release of inmates.

● Woodstock and Marietta municipal Judge Diane Busch, who resigned after being charged with furnishing alcohol to teenagers, stemming from a Christmas party at her home.

● Fayette County Superior Court Judge Johnnie Caldwell, who resigned after being accused of making rude, sexually suggestive comments to an attorney.

● Twiggs County Probate Judge Kenneth Fowler, who was removed for requiring criminal defendants to prove their innocence and having defendants “buy out” of their community service by making deposits into a bank account he controlled.

Full Article and Source:
List of Judges


  1. ya know --- one has to wonder how this number in relation to the total number of judges in Georgia ....

    how does that ration pare with the national ratio(s) presented regrding the prevelance of mental illness in the general population [which is 1 in 5]

    In sum, how many bad judges to every 5 judge ..... would be interesting because if one in 5 americans suffers from mental illness ... then three of these judges have some splainin' to do ..

    PSYCH evals for all who serve ..... fair is fair afterall, they want one one from us ....

  2. I think more bad judges are being discovered and booted. There are so many that need to go to clean up the system, but I do believe it's starting to happen, albeit too slowly.

  3. I can tell you from my personal and current experience there may be at least one more in a small county in Southwest Georgia....

  4. Again, unless we who have been victimized by these "judges" speak up and put their names out there for everyone to see, and sign our name to our claims, we are just another non identity/person.I know that most of us think that by not making noise,our specific
    situation,will resolve.Unfortunatelly,experience has shown that thought to be unreal.Once one is in this "system" one needs to come to terms that all assests are going to be gone; so speak is the only way to get some relief & perhaps attention to the case.
