Tuesday, August 10, 2010

CT Accountant Accused of Mishandling $2.26 mil Trust

Allegations of fraud have surfaced against a Norwich accountant accused of mishandling an estimated $2.26 million of a family’s trust fund accounts over the last decade.

The claims against F. Robert LaSaracina, who runs a financial services firm on West Town Street, are detailed in a recent memorandum filed in Norwich Probate Court as part of ongoing litigation involving trust funds worth millions of dollars.

The July 22 memorandum, prepared by Linda J. Kidder, a Waterford lawyer who is the conservator of the Ilona Kauppinen trust, says that LaSaracina made loans to friends, family and himself, some with no interest or even documentation, and generally mishandled funds in the trust.

Full Article and Source:
Trustee: Norwich Accountant Owes Trust Fund $2.2 Million


  1. There outta be a law!
    A law regarding monitoring of these perps called fiduciaries.

  2. Watch out for your money and your accounts. Don't trust anybody!

  3. Suscinctly put, Thelma!
