Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Washington State: DSHS Neglect Referrals Drop

Last month, officials from the state Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) said that the agency was referring far fewer cases of suspected elder abuse and neglect to law enforcement.

DSHS made the revelation to a 24-member task force that is studying how to better safeguard seniors in adult family homes. The group, made up of community advocates and public officials in the senior-care field, was formed earlier this year in response to The Times' ongoing series about adult family homes.

At the meeting, several task-force members expressed surprise at the sharp drop, which began after 2007. They questioned how suspected neglect cases could be dropping when more people than ever rely on long-term care and the number of adult homes continues to rise, according to participants.

DSHS offered no explanation in reply.

Full Article and Source:
DSHS Referrals for Neglect Drop


  1. Sadly, this could indeed be good news as DSHS oftentimes will start a guardianship before their investigation is over. If the charges are unfounded, it's too late. The ward is already doomed.

  2. Cases are dropping because DSHS is basically looking in the wrong place. Instead of going after families, DSHS should be giving intent scrutiny to group homes and nursing homes. THAT's why cases are dropping.

  3. DSHS social workers lie time after time and go unpunished placing the wards in adult family homes where their over medacated. One of these adult family homes is owned by Diane Hoyle of Washington state licensed as country care in Sedro Wolley A aps social worker Christopher McCarthy has been caught in lies and gone unpunished

  4. When DSHS puts the olde folks in ADFH'S and they give them dangerous drugs and the state does nothing this is sad Christopher McCarthy a APS social worker in Washington was caught in lies and nothing done

  5. I went to visit my 88 year old kind mother of 12 children last week at Clair Bridge in Pierce County. I waited 2 hours and was given multiple reasons my mother was going to vomit so the manager said she laid her down, she was eating and I could not visit with her, An employee will bring her out to visit in common area, after two hours I was told to leave by manager. After being lied to by several employee at Clair Bridge in the past I questioned why? The manager said the Guardian has said that I was to leave. I asked who is this person and she replied a company name. I have witnessed several head injuries,black eyes 20 - 30 in the past year. I only see 15 people or so at a time when I visit. My mother has been depressed, has had broken or fractured left arm that was proboly not set for day and lost most ability to use. I has seen employees play hang man to these elderly. Mom said a girl was hung and seemed very emotionaly shook up and confused. On martin Luther king day week crosswork puzzles words not appropiate were given to these elderly in the common area. I Jeff Strege have mentioned many incidents to people in vacility, Karen Allard a nurse that was suppose to acting to over see medical and visits hired through Pam Privette who was the former Gaurdian that allowed my mother to stay in this enviroment at Clair Bridge. I told Karen Allard of my mother comments made several times to me over the last year. She said you don t give me your e mail. I do not own computer. I asked the manager is the woman that hit her head from fall on concrete paver floor ok to get help. I was told to leave minutes later. I witnessed this fall and yelled for help and call 911 as she was bleeding from head and breathing area. After 15 or so minutes no paramedics came but nurse told health care woman after wiping blood off face that "I think we should do her hair". The woman injured was shaking and moning on the floor. This is what I reported to the manager. I asked if she was aware of this iccident. She said she only replies to formal complaints. I had to leave after two hours wating for visit with my loving mother of 88 years.So many reasons to get my Mom the love she deserves. Why all this evil attitude being tolerated? My mother and father did a lot for this country of the United States of America. My father fought a world war as a soldier and mother a nurse for those returning in medical need. The people allowing this should not be allowed around vulnerable elders with this type of care. I ask if someone out there cares to please help my mother have her rights of help and visits of children wanting to love her. Please help stop abuse of elderly adults in the United States of America. Jeff

  6. I am concerned about the conduct of management at this Clairbridge in Pierce County, Washington. I have witnessed elderly being escorted from common area of entrance that have had black eyes at that time by management personel. I have also witnessed elderly in wheelchairs being turned to face corner of wall in open area after I entered to visit. I have witnessed an elderly woman fall out of wheel char to be picked up minutes later after hitting of her head by fall. No call to paramedics for help that I seen. I am being told this is assist living not a nursing facility. ? THis women they called Barbara could not even hold herself up in a wheel chair after having her hair sprayed in common area. It smelled really bad and made myself sick. When I asked management of help for elderly I was scolded that this was not my buisiness. I witness elder abuse from the manager at this facility to the extent I cannot visit my mother while the manager is thier. THis seems soo wrong to allow this meaness attitude to elderly that con not defend themselves. It seems to be tolerated by Gaurdians , Attorney's involved, and by a Judge Katherian Stolz with bakground of being Gaurdian. What does this word Gaurdian mean? I even read about relatives at this Cairbridge. The manager at Cairbridge laughs at me questioning this??? Jeff Strege
