Sunday, October 10, 2010

CT Woman Charged With Trust Fund Embezzlement

A Wisconsin woman accused of embezzling $125,800 from a trust fund left by her mother for the benefit of her stepfather was ordered held on $25,000 bond.

Michelle Angst, 49, of Mukwonago, Wis., was assigned as trustee of the fund's $202,591 several years ago. Angst's stepfather, Irving, lived in New Milford from April of 2006 through July of 2010, during which time police say she withdrew funds to enrich herself. An investigation revealed that money was used to pay for hotels, groceries, retail items, gas, and to pay Moots and Pellegrini, the legal firm Angst retained after police launched an investigation. Most of it was withdrawn as cash payments.

A complaint was lodged by Angst's husband David in a Sept. 30, 2009 letter to the New Milford Probate Court. David and Michelle Angst were in the middle of a divorce.

Full Article and Source:
Woman Charged With Trust Fund Embezzlement Held on $25,OOO


  1. Not good, Michelle Angst.

  2. They need to likewise investigate the professional guardians when questions arise.
