Sunday, October 31, 2010

UnCivil Committment

Danny Tate was led away in handcuffs and committed to the lockdown unit at Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital the first time he ever set foot in Randy Kennedy’s court. No crime, no proof of danger to himself or anyone else, no evidence of an emergency, no “clear and convincing evidence”, an “expert witness”, Dr. William Kenner, who is a child psychiatrist and unqualified to testify, yet his completely deficient medical report led to the involuntary commitment. It defied reason by observers. It defied sanity.

Though Tate requested an attorney, Kennedy denied this request and ordered the “trial by surprise” to proceed. It was a rigged court, a booby trap. The law was ignored which is often the case in the 7th Circuit Court. Due process was trampled upon. It was the condensed version of Kafka meets “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”.

It makes any reasonable person wonder how many wards are out there, locked away, far away, stripped of all rights, with no chance of ever escaping the conservatorship prison and never to be heard from again. Judge Kennedy regularly announces “there are more conservatorships in this court than any other court in the state”. No doubt, this could easily be true considering the ease that an unsuspecting individual can be thrown into this hell hole in this court. It’s madness turned inside out.

Impeach Randy Kennedy's Blog - UnCivil Committment


  1. Impeachment is in order, assuming all the claims of violation are true.

  2. Trial by surprise is exactly what happened here. And committment by surprise!

  3. I know Danny Tate will prevail. I feel it.

  4. Impeach him and then take away his pension.

  5. Kennedy's as dirty as they come.

  6. Don't forget too

  7. Throw the book at the judge .......

  8. This madness is all by design and it must be put to an end - terminated post haste.

  9. Impeach, handcuff, committ and put Judge Kennedy under conservatorship prison!
    Is Kennedy proud of the fact, “there are more conservatorships in this court than any other court in the state”
    If so, perhaps Kennedy needs to be committed to the lockdown unit!

  10. The violations are all of record, and this time there should be no coverup by the discipline people.
    No wonder real people don't trust lawyers!
