Friday, November 12, 2010

KY: New Legislation to Prevent Elder Abusers From Benefiting From Victims' Death

Seeking to fill what she called “a hole” in Kentucky law, state Rep. Joni Jenkins announced that she has filed legislation aimed at preventing people who abuse or neglect vulnerable or elderly adults from benefiting from their deaths.

Too often, Jenkins said at a Louisville news conference, an adult child or other relative may be convicted of mistreating an elderly adult but still inherits the estate when that person dies.

“Every year, the judicial, social and law enforcement communities across Kentucky work together to stop these terrible acts of adult abuse and neglect, then have to stand by and watch as these convicted abusers reap financial gain from those they have injured,” Jenkins, D-Shively, said.

Kentucky law already bars killers from receiving an inheritance from their victims. Jenkins’ bill would expand that to include people convicted of abuse, neglect or financial exploitation.

Full Article and Source:
Bill to Protect Elderly, Vulnerable From Abuse Filed


  1. Better to make or upgrade criminal law against fiduciaries who steal.

  2. It's a good idea if it included thieving guardians and attorneys.

  3. Right on...

    What are they proposing to do about the thieves operating in the shadows of probate court? Do they still continue to steal the money?
