Friday, December 17, 2010

Bobby Schindler Interview On Behalf of Gary and Sara Harvey

Bobby Schindler (brother of the late Terri Schiavo) is interviewed on the Amy McManus radio show in support of Sara and Gary Harvey:

YouTube: Amy McManus' Channel


  1. Whatever happened to due proces of law? The county as guardian, is bullying this woman!

  2. President Obama,THE AMERICAN PUBLIC, The Govenor of New York and The New York Attorney General ALL need to get involved to help Sara Harvey ! Sara desperately needs an "Attorney," to Stop this horrific crime. Everyone understands what is happening is WRONG ! Mrs. Obama what if this hideous crime were happening to your Mother ? President Obama, Mrs. Obama, would you both stand by and allow these so called doctors, nursing facilities, hospitals, judges and attorney's that are suppose to protect your Mother but instead, they will either try and Murder her or make a Profit off her disability. But that's not enough, your Mother is then isolated from family, friends and spiritual associations, forbidding you to see her? while your Mother suffers Years of abuse and neglect. After they mentally torture the family later, your suppose to be grateful for an occasional visit while under the watchful eye of a crooked guardian. Where is America's backbone ? If America doesn't stand up NOW and help Sara you can take it to the bank the same will happen to US!

  3. Bobby Schindler speaks the truth and it's also the common sense truth.

    I wonder if the guardian and all their buddies realize that the public isn't fooled at all by all their nonsense and posturing.

    We know who the abuser is. And it's not Sara Harvey.

  4. Thelma, you're right. Are the laws made to feed people's power trips until they see no wrong in preying on vulnerable people? NO!

    The post the other day about the Catholic church's involvement has me thinking these people are so arrogant and self-serving, they've lost their religion.

    Someone posted that God knows the difference. I agree.

  5. Deep appreciation to Bobby Schindler for his continued support of Sara & Gary Harvey's fragile situation.

    Most people assume we have rights in the good old USA....they would be dead wrong.

    And, yes, God is all knowing and He is watching and judging those who are misrepresenting the case, hiding behind false statements all under color of law....does it get any worse than this?

    I am rethinking my position about my lifetime relationship with the Catholic Church due to their double talk, their weak position and possibly releasing false information and that in my book is wrong, wrong, wrong.

  6. Every day when I see my husband, I think of Gary and Sara Harvey.

  7. These arrogant people should be put out of office. They're supposed to be under oath, arne't they? And what about their bonds?

  8. Let a Christmas Miracle happen for this family

  9. Notice Bobby Schindler mentioned Bishop Clark too.

    The tidal wave of media attention is growing and Bishop Clark, among others, will be sorry they didn't just do the right thing for Gary Harvey.

  10. Thank you, Mr. Schindler, for supporting the Harveys. And thank you NASGA.

  11. What they should realize is every day Gary Harvey remains in the hospital, exposed to viruses and germs, is a day that he might die.

    It's not in the guardian's best interest for Gary Harvey to die. If he does, then they're really looking at a lawsuit. A review of all the unnecessary surgeries they put him through alone is enough to cost them millions.

    They should be wanting to get him out of their hospital and home. Maybe they're just not real smart.

  12. Nice thought, Anonymous. A Christmas miracle would be perfect!

  13. Very well put Bobby. Twilight zone....the people who wanted him dead and try to kill him are still in call that FIT Judge Mulvey and O'Shea? You keep them in control and that is like sending the devil to do your dirty work.You are all sick.

  14. I respect Bobby Schindler. He's been through it and he knows what he's talking about.

    Sara Harvey has found a true champion.

  15. there is absolutely nothing logical about this case.

    That the guardian tried to kill Gary and yet is still guardian defies any sense of logic whatsoever that it's shocking.

    The whole case and especially the acts and conducts of those running the show is amazing, simply amazing.

  16. Let's hope that the next round comes up plus for Sara and Gary.

  17. Good common sense being discussed on this interview.

    I too am excited to see Bobby Schindler support the Harveys.

  18. There is no such thing as due process or common sense in government/the legal system.
