Friday, December 10, 2010

Ohio: Evelyn Schwartz Belongings 'Dumped'

The guardian put in a dumpster and threw away bags and bags of things of Dean's (who was not evcited) and Evelyn's, prior to even the 'case' being settled.

After he removed the first dumpster because he got caught - yet with loads of 'stolen' things in it, he then placed another dumpster there a month later, to finish the job, after getting the notice from our atty of need to lawfully evict Dean, and give us a chance to remove his things.

Guardian Says, "Who Will Make Me, How About it County Grand Jury, is He Right or Wrong?

See Also:
Evelyn Pleads for Help


  1. The pleadings of Evelyn should be evidence enough for any competent Judge to see something is drastically wrong here.

    Where is the justice in all of this??

    These court appointed guardians are nothing more than "Professional Thieves."

  2. This is horrifying for me. My heart goes out to both Evelyn and Dean because they're so similar to myself and what I went through.

    God bless them both. I'm so sorry.

  3. Poor, poor Evelyn. I just hate what they're doing to her.

  4. I will pray for you, Evelyn, for your strength and for your freedom.

  5. This happens in so many cases but rarely is there film footage of the carnage.

  6. I can't imagine how low and afraid Evelyn must feel.

    What's wrong with people? What's wrong with our justice system? The whole world is turned upside down.

  7. I still remember the awful video of Evelyn pleading for mercy. It will forever haunt me.

    I hope someone rescues her.
