Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Priest's Estate Leads to Big Fee Battle

When Monsignor Edward Ryle died in December 2005, he left behind a reputation as "God's lobbyist" at the state Capitol, a modest estate and no will.

His extended family hired a private fiduciary to gather, liquidate and distribute the Catholic priest's assets: a downtown condo, a car, some cash and a small pension.

The fiduciary firm estimated the total cost of services would be about $3,000, to be paid out of Ryle's assets. The fiduciary's attorney estimated his fees at up to $5,000.When the bill arrived, it totaled $33,607, more than four times the original estimate, according to the priest's relatives and bills seen by The Arizona Republic, although it eventually was reduced.

Ryle's case is an example of how probate cases can sometimes become far more expensive than families expect when they turn to attorneys and for-profit fiduciaries for help when a relative dies without leaving instructions about their assets.

When people die with no trusts or wills that spell out how an estate should be divided up, the Maricopa County Probate Court may appoint a fiduciary, sometimes at family members' request, as a "personal representative" to sort out the cash and assets.

The fiduciary's fees, and its attorney's fees, can be predictable and modest - or, as in Ryle's case, can be higher than anticipated and anger family members.

Ryle's nephew, Michael Petty, said family members were "absolutely shocked" when the fiduciary's bill arrived in the mail.

"It was the irony that impacted us. Uncle Ed lived his life to defend people who had no voice," Petty said. "That's what he did. Of all people to take advantage of."

Greg DoVico, owner of Southwest Fiduciary, which handled the case, and Southwest's attorney, Jay Polk, said the estate was more complicated than expected and the family was kept informed.

Full Article and Source:
Maricopa County Probate Court - Priest's Estate Leads to Big Fee Battle


  1. More complicated my foot... that is the excuse the "professional thieves always use to steal ones estate.

  2. Shame on them! I am sure fraud is involved!

  3. Nothing I have read on this case surprises me.Not answering phone calls from attorney's, is just another way of delaying the case in order to continue to charge... my mother has been in a guardianship case since 2002 under the jurisdiction of Judge Maria M. Korvick, the Administrative Judge of the Miami-Dade County (Florida)Guardianship/Probate circuit court who kept mother against hers and my wishes in an abusive nursing home;she also appointed a professional- and I mean a professional- guardian which spent along with her attorney and the guardian of the property's attorney the worth of mother's assests (mother's only assest was HER HOME). Mother was left an INDIGENT, but the judge has kept mother under guardianship although there are NO assests left to pay for my attorney... Oh yes, I neglected to say, that AFTER all of mother's assets (?) was gone, i was finally good enought to be appointed mother's guardian! I hope someone would come to Miami-Dade County to investigate the guaridanship/probate cout files. I for one, would be happy to provide them all of mother's info. and documentation of her case...!

  4. We try to keep shining the light and hope and pray for those in authority to hold authority accountable will act with integrity. And we keep shining the light of truth until they do or at our own peril.

  5. Monsignor Ryle would be horrified at what's happened and I also think he'd be very proud of his family for speaking out.

  6. Another Maricopa County victim?

    Good grief, does Maricopa County Probate Court ever treat people right?

  7. These "helpers" have no shame. Doesn't bother them one bit to steal from a priest.

  8. Yeah, yeah, the same old song and dance...."the case was more complicated"....


  9. these vultures better watch up above oh the nerve ripping off a man of God's estate and lying about the estimate oh that is bold and speaks volumes about whats waiting for us

  10. One day they will be accountable because we are "once to die and once to be judged."
    Expose this dark & evil crime for what it is. These are professional thieves and should be treated as such.

  11. Where is the Catholic church? Not that they can do anything but I'd like to know what they have to say about this?

  12. Very true and I feel that the case is complicated also...

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  13. This kind of act must not be tolerated stealing is bad and it against the law of the people as well as of God.
