Monday, December 13, 2010

The Recycling of Gary Harvey's Holiday Restrictions

Last year, I wrote the following article.

Wife’s Visitation in Jeopardy: The Isolation of Gary Harvey
By Carrie K. Hutchens on November 7th, 2009

Gary Harvey is the brain injured man from New York, who seems to have his own private “death panel” determined to kill him off and to make his and his wife’s life as miserable as possible, until the sentence is carried out. One might think it could get no worse than it has been. One should never think such thoughts, lest one (or more) be shown that — for however bad — things can actually get worse!

Though it wasn’t Sara sitting on the so-called ethics committee that determined Gary should be starved and dehydrated to death — the Guardian and County (who actually were involved in the attempted death of an innocent person) — have suggested she is a danger to her husband.

Amazing! I can actually recycle my article as if it was current and remaining accurate. How often does that happen?

Here it is the holiday season of 2010 and Sara Harvey gets a letter from Bryan Maggs, Chemung County Attorney, stating that her visitations with Gary are suspended immediately. Isn’t that the same gift they offered last year? I’m so impressed with the repeat gift and the timing — NOT!

Shame on these people!

If there was a problem, beyond Sara filing various motions with the court, where are the records of the official meetings where the hospital, county, guardian and all the heavy-weight personnel discussed any issues that might bring her to no visitation at Christmas time once again?

The court system is a strategy thing. Attorneys do this and attorneys do that… and it is all a major game. But Sara is not allowed to play back, even when the county and guardian and hospital feel free to do whatever and force her into a courtroom to challenge their inappropriate behavior?

If Gary were at home, and someone reported that his care was inappropriate, Sara would have to answer this challenge. Why would the county, guardian and hospital think they should be beyond the same challenge? It is, after all, allegedly their actual job to be an “expert provider” and to provide excellent care in all ways.

If Gary were at home and Sara was starving & dehydrating him to death, the authorities would pull him from the home, put him in “protective custody” and most likely charge her with all kinds of things, including attempted murder. Why haven’t the county and guardian and hospital been likewise challenged and charged? Why hasn’t the court pulled them back in to answer why they tried to kill off someone not terminally ill?

If Gary was home with Sara, she could be challenged for this and for that and for anything someone wished to challenge her with, but she wouldn’t be able to simply write a letter and terminate visitation by all these people that thought she was not providing well. Why then, can all these people so simply terminate her visits with Gary when they have been challenged?

It’s wrong!

It would be wrong no matter what, but it is really wrong that these people decide to terminate visitation during the holiday season. It says a great deal about them. It proves, by their actions, that compassion is not something in their list of priorities, yet they claim to have Gary’s best interest in mind?

Full Article and Source:
Visitation in Jeopardy - The Recycling of Gary Harvey's Holiday Restrictions

See Also:


  1. Yeah, "Merry Christmas, Gary...we care so much about you, you're gonna have to spend the day in total isolation...."

    They make me sick!

  2. As much as I would not wish this nightmare on anyone, I am torn. I'd like these guys to have a bit of their own medicine and to see how it feels.

  3. I am sorry, Sara. My heart goes out to you and I will continue to pray that you prevail for your sake, and for your husband's.

  4. Carrie Hutchens is a great writer and I thank her for following this story.

  5. Sara Harvey is a true champion!

  6. Torture is right, Anon. To put confine a person in a room where he/she can't get out, and deprive that person of human contact sounds like a prisoner of war camp.

  7. Good God in Heaven, what is wrong with these people? How can they treat Gary Harvey that way? Or his wife?

    Has power so corrupted them that they have no empathy at all?

  8. They won't be happy until Mr. Harvey is dead, I'm afraid. I am so sorry for both Mr. and Mrs. Harvey.

  9. Cruel and unusual punishment to an innocent person and his wife.

    Gary Harvey is a Veteran this is how the USA shows it's appreciation?


  10. what i want to say would be extremely offensive and my bet is you wouldnt be able to publish due cause i am steaming mad mad as a wet hornets nest and my wishes for those who are doing this is pain grief and misery to these adddicts who are addicted to power and control using the courts to enforce their nazi tactics to instill pain and suffering

  11. The only danger here is the guardian and the hospital; certainly not Sara; all she wants is to bring Gary home.

  12. I have a friend going the the same thing. He was isolated, and has been continually drugged, all contact w/family, friends, pastors, etc was denied. No phone usage or no messages given. He was very physically active, walked 1-2 miles @day, lifted weights, talked articulately, fed, clothed and cleaned himself. Today, in a matter of months he can't do any of those things. He is medicated 24/7. He had hep c and diabetes, was under good, quality care, stablized. One emotional, unstable doctor who didn't think anyone w/hep c could get better initiated the process to get him facilitated. HIs POA/Medical were ignored. He was illegally taken and is being held illegally. State of Idaho banned visitation so no one could get near him or the case until they set this heinous crime in motion. By the way, it was a catholic hospital and a catholic facility that rendered his demise.

  13. Guess after all the $ for medical care is gone,to all of those interested $ "involved"- is better to just let G. Harvey die in hospice. But died alone? why not allow him to go when his time comes, and in the company of those he loves- such as his wife??? This is cruel and inhumane,but does anyone care???
