Thursday, December 16, 2010

Shelter for Elderly

Shelters have existed locally to help abused children, unwed mothers and even abandoned puppies, but until recently, no such place existed for Mississippi's abused, displaced or abandoned seniors.

The doors are now open on the Elder Justice Center Emergency Shelter, a project of the Mississippi Center for Police and Sheriffs, aimed at making a safe haven for older people who have been the victims of financial fraud, abuse, neglect or are homeless because of a fire, natural disaster or foreclosure. Men and women 60 and older referred by the courts, law enforcement or the state Department of Human Services can stay there up to two months.

This is the first shelter of its kind in Mississippi, said Steve Pickett, chief deputy with the Hinds County Sheriff's Department. It's seen as a pilot program, that organizers hope will be replicated in other parts of the state.

Full Article and Source:
Shelter for Elderly Provides Home for Abused, Lost


  1. Hurray for Mississippi. My mother was abused by her son-in-law after the corrupt Area Agency on Aging placed her in his care. The corrupt judge wouldn't let me care for her and the shelter for abused women refused to offer her a temporary home. She was abused every day until her death. Could it be that there are honest people in Mississippi, unlike my state which is corrupt from top to bottom.

  2. I hope the idea spreads from state to state.
