Sunday, December 5, 2010

TX: Tarrant Judge Collects Cars and Canines

A probate judge for nearly 30 years, Pat Ferchill spends much of his time dealing with the dead, dying, legally incapacitated or mentally ill.

It's a stressful job that could consume him.

But Ferchill, 64, has plenty of passions at home that also need his attention.

Like Hadley, Cato, Merle and Lowretta -- his indoor "dog collection."

And then, there are the nine classic cars out back.

"A lot of people in politics or the judiciary, their jobs become their life," said Ferchill, who has been judge of Probate Court No. 2 for 29 years and was recently elected to another four-year term. "I've always had a steady interest in something other than my profession. ... During my retirement, whenever that is, I think I'm going to be busy.'"

On a recent afternoon, the judge's two pastimes came together in the driveway his west Fort Worth home, where he and his wife, Cantey, 63, have lived for years. At Ferchill's encouragement, the dogs eagerly jumped into his gold, 1965 Eldorado convertible.

"I pile them in and we go ride around the neighborhood," Ferchill said.

Full Article and Source:
Tarrant Judge Collects Cars and Canines


  1. Looks like the good judge thinks more of his dogs than the elderly and disabled.

  2. Tarrant County? Is this the judge who was the nefarious "star" of the TX jurisprudence hearings this past year? And now we have an article about him collecting cars and dogs? Think he hired himself a PR firm?

  3. this is fishy very suspicious and smells bad to me that this judge needs to drag reporters to his house to tug at our soft spots hmmmm maybe the cars and the dogs used to belong to wards of the state?

  4. Ewwww, jerri, I hadn't given that a thought, but heck, who knows.

    Ferchill is trying real hard to clean up his image here, but it has just the opposite effect. Whoever he hired to do his PR work sure didn't do him any favors.

  5. Is this Judge Ferchill's attempt to appear human? It's not working Ferchill.

  6. What a crock of ________!

    This Judge Ferchill is so full of himself....what is his salary? Does his lifestyle fit that of a probate judge?

    Hmmmmm something to think about ey?

    Just the insurance premiums on his 9 classic cars and his everyday vehicles would be considerable .... do the math folks!

  7. I finally got this! I read it earlier today and couldn’t understand what the PR firm was trying to tell me but it was gnawing at me all day. A snippet about a Judge and his dogs. What do we think of when we think of “dog?” Man’s best friend OR a man surrounded by all his friends. Isn’t that sweet? Doesn’t that make him sound human?

    Dogs are like children. They need love and affection. To have thirty is cruel because you can’t possibly give that many dogs the kind of attention they deserve. Of course, they’re eagerly hopping into his car. Wouldn’t you if that’s the only excitement you got all day?

    Think of the deeper meaning in regard to having all those dogs. They look up to their “master” and this judge needs THIRTY. What is he trying to tell us about his ego? I suppose he was trying to improve his image by letting us all know they’re all looking up to him? I agree with Finny, this guy needs a new PR firm and the whole “dog image” has the opposite affect on the reader. Just like the people who had the misfortune of being in this man’s courtroom, you just end up feeling sorry for the dogs.

  8. Judge Pat Ferchill ... Can not say that he is a good judge. Probate court 2 of Tarrant County does not protect Wards from Private Guardianship Companies, instead it hides the truth about Abusive and Cruel Private Guardianship Companies.

  9. ferchill belongs in jail. He should retire before he's impeached. He destroys lifes and plunders estates with a slick sales pitch to the leges that lets him get away with it. I hope he gets kidnapped by a probate judge when he gets old.

  10. "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain..."

    Don't be fooled by cars and dogs.

    It's what he does to the elderly and disabled that's the news story.

  11. Right Tami, Ferchill wants everyone to think he's a nice guy because he likes dogs.

    I rather feel sorry for his dogs to tell you the truth.
